Necrobiosis is the natural death of cells and tissues, which allows for renewal and replacement of cells. However, disease and trauma can cause premature cell death, leading to necrosis. Treatment involves removing dead tissue and managing conditions to keep living cells healthy.
Necrobiosis is the natural death of cells and tissues. Cells and tissues are in a constant state of renewal and this process is normal. In some contexts, people may use the term “necrobiosis” to refer to cell and tissue death caused by disease and other processes, even though these are not necessarily normal. An example of this use can be seen in the condition necrobiosis lipoidica, a dermatological disease most commonly seen in people with diabetes in which rashes form on the lower legs because cells are dying.
The body is organized in a highly efficient way. When cells outlive their usefulness through aging or use, a rupture process is set in motion to allow the cell to die and then rupture, releasing its contents into the bloodstream. The contents of the cell are filtered out, with usable components recycled to make new cells, while waste materials are carried away in the urine. In some cases, dead and dying cells may stick around, as seen with skin, where the top layers contain dead cells that slough off as new cells grow underneath.
At any time, necrobiosis occurs throughout the body. Cells turn over and renew themselves continuously. Some things can cause the program to speed up, such as injuries that trigger the formation of new cells to repair a damaged site and certain conditions that cause people to break down cells or create new cells more quickly than usual.
The natural process of cell death provides a mechanism to replace cells that no longer function. In multicellular organisms, this allows the organism as a whole to continue living even as individual cells die and are replaced. The body can also target cells for destruction if it identifies them as diseased or otherwise impaired, in a process known as apoptosis. In this case, a cell death is triggered by the presence of certain characteristics which act as a red flag warning that there is a problem with the cell.
Necrobiosis can be accompanied by necrosis, when tissues and cells die sooner than they should. Necrosis can be the result of disease, confusing signals sent by cells, and trauma to cells. Treatment usually involves debriding or removing dead tissue to expose healthy tissue growing underneath and managing conditions to keep living cells healthy. Antibiotics can be applied to kill infectious organisms, for example, and the site can be covered with a bandage to limit exposure to harmful substances in the environment.