Nephritic syndrome is inflammation of the kidneys that can lead to kidney failure. It can be caused by autoimmune disorders, bacterial infections, genetic abnormalities, or unknown reasons. Symptoms include fatigue, headaches, swelling, and brown or rust-colored urine. Diagnosis involves a physical exam, blood and urine tests, and a biopsy. Treatment includes bed rest, dietary changes, and medication. Severe cases may require a kidney transplant or dialysis therapy.
Nephritic syndrome, also called glomerulonephritis, is inflammation of the kidneys. The disorder damages or destroys the glomeruli, which are tiny blood vessels within the kidneys that filter out excess fluid and waste materials. Nephritic syndrome can lead to kidney failure if left untreated.
Several conditions cause nephritic syndrome. People who have autoimmune disorders such as lupus are more likely to develop this condition. It occurs in children who have recently recovered from bacterial infections such as strep throat or chicken pox. Some people inherit nephritic syndrome as a genetic abnormality, while many people develop the condition for no apparent reason.
Many patients do not experience any symptoms. Other people may complain of not feeling well or appearing tired and sluggish. Some people experience headaches, loss of appetite, and muscle aches or joint pain, while others become confused and sleepy. Some people with the condition may also pass pink foamy mucus.
Other symptoms include swelling or swelling in various parts of the body, including the face, legs and ankles. The patient’s urine may appear brown or rust colored, due to the presence of red blood cells. Some people urinate frequently, while others urinate only in small quantities or not at all. Nosebleeds, high blood pressure, and vision problems may also occur.
A doctor who suspects nephritic syndrome will review the patient’s medical history, perform a complete physical exam, and run a variety of tests. He will look for symptoms such as an enlarged liver, excess fluid in the tissues and other signs of sudden kidney failure. Your doctor will do blood tests to look for anemia or a high white blood cell count, while a urinalysis can tell him if there’s blood in your urine. He may also insert a needle into the kidney to extract a small amount of tissue. This process, called a biopsy, helps determine what’s causing the problem.
The patient’s prognosis depends on the condition causing the nephritic syndrome. The doctor may prescribe bed rest or recommend that the patient consume less salt or protein until his or her kidneys improve. He may also prescribe corticosteroids to treat damaged glomeruli or recommend antibiotics to treat any existing infections.
Many of the symptoms of nephritic syndrome are so general that many people don’t know they are seriously ill until they are diagnosed with kidney failure. Kidney failure occurs when the kidneys are no longer able to filter toxins effectively. Patients with severe or long-term kidney disease usually require a transplant or dialysis therapy.