Network access management controls who can connect to a computer network, often requiring minimum standards or identity verification. It minimizes the risk of damage or intrusion and can provide different degrees of access. Identity verification is common, and post-admittance management monitors behavior after access is granted.
Network access management is a broad term used to refer to controlling who can and cannot connect to a computer network. Some networks are unsecured and any computer or mobile device can connect to them. However, many networks contain sensitive information or provide access to the Internet and can only be accessed by certain devices. In some cases, the device attempting to connect to the network must meet certain minimum standards, such as running a certain operating system or passing a virus scan, in order to connect. In other cases, the device user must validate their identity with a password or other digital identification tool to connect.
People who manage computer networks use network access management techniques for a variety of reasons. A device with a harmful computer virus that connects to a network could potentially infect other connected computers. If unauthorized users were able to connect to a network, they could access information on the network that was supposed to be secure. Using network access management can ensure that only certain authorized users can access the network. This minimizes the risk of damage or intrusion to networked computers.
Some forms of network access management can provide different degrees of access to different computers. For example, a user may have full administrative access to everything on the network or may have access only to certain parts of the network. Similarly, some networks limit the degree of Internet access granted to some users. Many organizations only allow certain people access to the organization’s intranet, limiting full Internet access to those who need it.
Identity verification is among the most common and important network access management strategies. Many networks require a password before allowing access, so only those with the password can use the network. A network may, particularly within organizations, require a personalized username and password that differ for each user. With this method of managing network access, you can control the level of control granted to each user.
Normally, network access management only controls network access and does not interfere with the user after access has been granted. “Post-admittance” network access management, however, monitors a device’s behavior after it has been granted access. Network access can be restricted based on user actions on the network rather than user identity or device state prior to access.