Nibiru, or Planet X, is a hypothetical planet with a 12-year orbit around the sun, believed to have been involved in the creation of Earth and the asteroid belt. The theory is based on ancient Sumerian writings and claims of advanced alien settlers called the Anunnaki. Despite predictions of its return, scientists consider the claims false and unsupported by evidence.
Nibiru, also called Planet X or the twelfth planet, is thought to be a distant planet in this solar system with a 12-year orbit around the sun. The name means “planet of the crossroads”, according to translations of ancient Sumerian writings.
The idea of the existence of this planet has attracted attention in recent years, following a hypothesis that came to Zecheria Sitchin after analyzing ancient Sumerian writings documenting stories and images of man living among the gods on Earth. According to this theory, the planet Nibiru would have been involved in a catastrophic collision with a planet located between Mars and Jupiter, called Tiamat. This remarkable event is said to have created planet Earth, as well as the asteroid belt and the Moon.
Sitchin claims to have discovered evidence of artifacts including stone tablet images depicting visits by advanced alien settlers, called the Anunnaki. These extraterrestrials, who lived on the 12th planet, are said to have survived their catastrophic encounter with Earth about 3,600 years ago. They then arrived on Earth looking for gold dust particles to help reconstruct the abrupt disappearance of their atmosphere. According to Sitchin’s analysis, these extraterrestrial guests genetically modified the human species and used them as slaves in their gold mines.
There are many researchers who have predicted a date when they expect Nibiru’s wide elliptical orbit to pass close to Earth once again. This date coincided with the end of the Mayan calendar and the winter solstice – December 21, 2012. On this date, the Earth, the Sun and the center of the Milky Way galaxy were predicted to align causing a dramatic orbital disruption on Earth’s neighboring planets and catastrophic consequences for life on Earth.
Although most consider it a Sumerian myth, and perhaps even just another impressive story, there are many believers who embrace Sitchin’s claims and still anxiously await the return of the planet Nibiru, despite the fact that the expected date has arrived. it’s passed. Scientists argue against the possibility of a planet with such a unique orbit and overwhelmingly regard Sithin’s allegations as false. The existence of this planet and its inhabitants, the Anunnaki, is not supported by scientific evidence.