Nickel plating adds a layer of nickel to a metal, providing increased resistance to corrosion, wear, and strength. Two methods, electrolytic and chemical, can be used. Electroless nickel plating offers advantages such as better appearance, ductility, and less waste. Chemical plating is better for complex shapes and has higher wear and corrosion resistance.
Nickel plating is a process that deposits a thin layer of nickel onto an underlying metal. Some of the benefits of nickel plating include increased resistance to corrosion or rust, better wear resistance, strength, and better ductility. Nickel plating is often found on household hardware such as faucets, door hinges, and toasters. Military and aerospace use nickel plating to protect parts from corrosion.
Two different methods can be used to add nickel plating: electrolytic, also called “galvanic”, and purely chemical, also called “without electrolysis”. Electroplating involves passing a small electric current between the positive and negative electrical poles, thus depositing nickel on the object to be plated. The chemical method relies entirely on a chemical reaction to apply the nickel layer.
Nickel electroplating commonly uses the technique of first depositing a thin film of copper onto the material to be plated, the substrate, and then nickel plating onto the copper. The reason for this approach is that copper will adhere to other metals better than nickel. Copper first, then nickel is a faster process with a smoother, more consistent finish than plating nickel directly onto the substrate. In both cases, the substrate surface must be chemically cleaned before the process begins. Rinsing or other cleaning afterwards is normal.
Electroless nickel plating deposits a nickel-phosphorus, nickel-boron alloy or nickel/Teflon® coating on the substrate. Each of these produces different characteristics in the finished product. Nickel/Teflon® is a new composite that reduces or eliminates the need for liquid lubricants. Nickel boron produces the hardest surface.
The most common plating, nickel-phosphorus, produces a hard surface when small amounts of phosphorus are used. It also creates a shiny surface and a fast process with moderate levels. This type of plating provides very high corrosion resistance and is suitable for use in highly acidic conditions such as oil drilling or coal mining, when high levels are used.
The advantages of electroless nickel plating over chemical plating include a more attractive appearance, better ductility, and a less expensive procedure. Electroplating also generates fewer waste products that are harmful to the environment. Chemical plating gives better results for complex shapes because it adheres evenly while electroplating tends to deposit more nickel on the edges. It has higher wear resistance than electroplating and can provide very good corrosion resistance when applied with sufficient thickness. Chemical plating also has possibilities, such as matching with Teflon®, that the electroplating process lacks.