What’s Numerology?

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Numerology is the practice of attaching meanings to numbers, used to learn about a person by calculating their name and birthdate. It has ancient roots and is popular in mystical arts. Each letter has a numerological association, and readings can reveal information about character, past, future, or all.

Numerology is a branch of the occult that attaches meanings to numbers. According to the principles of numerology, it is possible to learn a lot about a person by calculating the numbers involved with his name and date of birth. Numerology is also used to analyze texts, dream messages, and so on, and is an immensely popular branch of the mystical arts; many bookstores, for example, offer a variety of numerology textbooks to meet demand.

Humans have probably been using numerology since the concept of number arose, as some numbers have extremely ancient mystical connections, such as the number 3, which is associated with balance and stability in numerous cultures. Both the ancient Greeks and Romans dabbled in numerology, using numerology to tell fortunes and to determine auspicious times for various activities, and some cultures continue to do so; in China, for example, people can get numerology booklets which they use to tell their fortunes throughout the year.

In numerology, each letter has a numerological association; in Hebrew, the linking of numbers to specific letters is known as gematria. The tradition of associating numerical values ​​with letters is quite ancient; Pythagoras, for example, believed that everything could be represented in numbers, and dabbled in a bit of numerology himself, which comes as a surprise to some modern mathematicians. Numerical values ​​for letters vary, depending on which numerological tradition someone follows; many people simply count the letters in their alphabets, adding the digits together to get a single number representing a letter when they reach double digits.

Some people consider numerology to be an ancestor of mathematics, making it analogous to astrology and the study of astronomy, or alchemy and chemistry, with the study of all these arts flourishing in medieval Europe. The Middle Ages and the Renaissance also marked the publication of numerous texts on these topics, with authors attempting to read new meanings into the world in which they lived. People certainly believed in numerology and used numerological principles to guide their lives until recently, and some people continue to do so.

A typical numerology reading will use numbers associated with your name and birthday. For people with multiple names, things can get pretty complex, as you can imagine. Numerologists may also take into consideration someone’s birthplace or country of birth when coming up with a reading, and depending on the type of numerology someone practices, the reading could reveal information about someone’s character, past, future, or all. Three.

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