What’s OA&M?

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OA&M encompasses all aspects of computer network processes, including hardware and software selection, network usage management, and network functionality maintenance. It is essential for all organizations that use computers, regardless of size.

OA&M is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of factors that have to do with how computer networks and systems work. In essence, OA&M identifies all aspects of the process by classifying each function into one of three classes: operations, administration and management. From this perspective, it can be said that OA&M caters to everything from hardware design and installation to maintenance and maintenance of both hardware and software.

In terms of operations, OA&M often has to do with the selection of hardware used to build the computer network. This will include the selection and integration of servers, workstations, remote access stations, backup equipment, telephony and any other aspect involving the mechanical structure of your own network. The selection of software to run on the system backbone is also typically classified as part of the operational effort in an overall OA&M strategy.

The administration function of the OA&M model often focuses on determining network usage. Part of this function involves managing the login credentials that are issued to each authorized user on the network. Credentials must be configured to allow each user access to programs and parts of the network that are essential for performing assigned functions. At the same time, login credentials ensure that proprietary information is only available to users who have a legitimate need to use the data.

Management functions within the OA&M model often focus on maintaining the functionality of the network. This is where periodic diagnostics of network components are performed, as well as system backups. Troubleshooting on an ongoing basis helps minimize the chances of your network being disabled for any length of time. Therefore, the manager within the OA&M model is extremely important, especially in companies where most of the functions are handled by computers.

Almost every organization that uses computers will have some type of OA&M model. Even a small business with a location will normally contain at least a couple of workstations that require a connection to a server and some type of internet telephony access. While a single person may be responsible for all three major categories or classes within the OA&M model, the essential structure is still needed.

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