Octacosanol is a compound found in plants like sugar cane and wheat germ oils that is believed to enhance the body’s ability to use oxygen. It is used as a dietary supplement and to treat various conditions, but most claims about its benefits have not been verified. Studies on athletes in the 1930s and 1940s showed improved performance, but the recommended dose varies and it should not be used for self-medication.
Octacosanol is a chemical compound found in plants such as sugar cane and wheat germ oils. Similar to vitamin E, octacosanol is believed to enhance the body’s natural ability to process and use oxygen. It is used to treat various conditions and as a dietary supplement.
Also known as tetracosanol and N-octacosanol, octacosanol is used as a supplement by some athletes. It is believed to help the body process oxygen and increase the amount of oxygen in the blood and flowing to the muscles. It is taken to increase stamina and stamina, as well as to improve reaction time. This compound is also used in the treatment of a myriad of diseases, including Parkinson’s amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrig’s disease. It may also be prescribed for herpes, skin infections, high cholesterol, and hardening of the arteries.
Most of the claims associated with the benefits of octacosanol have not been verified. Little evidence has been found to suggest that octacosanol administration helps control the symptoms of Parkinson’s or Lou Gehrig’s diseases, or that it shows a measurable effect on the condition of athletes. In fact, the combination of octacosanol and other Parkinson’s medications such as levodopa/carbidopa has been shown to worsen symptoms.
Studies on the effects of octacosanol began in the 1930s and 1940s, with studies on athletes given a steady regimen of wheat germ. These athletes consistently outperformed the control group of athletes and those given amounts of vitamin E. Octacosanol is believed to work by speeding up the process by which lactic acid is removed from muscle tissue by cycling oxygen through the bloodstream. A version of octacosanol, called triacontanol, has been found to have a positive effect on the growth of plants, fruits and vegetables, increasing their size and yield.
The recommended dose varies according to a number of factors, including a person’s age and the conditions for which they are being treated, if any. Although considered a natural product that is created from various plant and plant sources, octacosanol is not an over-the-counter drug that should be used in self-medication. Octacosanol can sometimes be confused with policosanol, which is the compound found in sugar cane that octacosanol is a part of.