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What’s offline life?


The term “offline life” refers to a person’s life outside of the internet. It’s important to strike a balance between spending time on the computer and experiencing the world firsthand. Internet addiction can lead to social isolation and physical health problems. To balance an offline life with time spent online, set computer usage limits, avoid looking at the internet when out, make plans with family and friends, and create an exercise routine that includes getting out of the house.

The term offline life refers to a person’s life in the real world while not on the internet. Many have lives where the internet is a big part of their daily routine, some have confused the two worlds and others may have little or no life outside the computer. Those who experience the latter may have internet addiction and other problems. It’s crucial to strike a balance between spending time on your computer and experiencing firsthand all that the world has to offer.

An offline life is all about going places, seeing people, and having experiences that don’t include being on a computer. Certain things, like exercise, getting enough vitamin D from the sun, and being able to have physical contact with another individual, can’t be replicated via a computer. While someone can see almost anything on the Internet, it’s often a better experience to be able to see, touch, feel, smell, and hear it in person.

You can do almost anything on the Internet, including shopping, conversing, and finding information about almost anything. Social networking sites, forums, emails and instant messengers have enabled people to frequently interact with people from all over the world without putting much effort. With the ability to do so much on the internet at any one time, many have made the computer a big part of their daily lives.

While it is typical for the two lives to blur together, considering that the internet can often improve a person’s life, some have taken elements initially developed solely in their online life and incorporated them into their offline life. Many have physically met people they probably wouldn’t have met if it weren’t for the internet, such as meeting a partner on a dating site or meeting a best friend from a forum specially developed for those with a particular interest. Others acquired internet-based jobs that brought in enough money to count as full-time or part-time income. To distinguish between their online and offline lives, some may clarify by using the abbreviation “RL”, which stands for “real life”. For example, someone might say, “I was telling my friend RL about my weekend.”

Some issues, such as depression and anxiety, can fuel an Internet addiction because it makes it easier to avoid offline life and the problems that come with it as much as possible. One of the major signs of Internet addiction is when real life suffers severely: social life is almost or non-existent, and ties to family and friends have been severed. Physical signs include strained vision, severe headaches, and developing carpal tunnel syndrome.

To better balance an offline life with time spent online, set computer usage limits for each day, especially when it involves activities that aren’t necessary, such as those that aren’t work-related. When you’re not at home, avoid looking at the Internet, even if it means not using the browser on your phone. Make plans with family and friends at least a couple times a week, and create an exercise routine that includes getting out of the house.
