Optic nerve inflammation, or optic neuritis, can cause eye pain and vision loss, and is often caused by underlying diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Symptoms include pain and vision loss, and diagnosis and treatment by an ophthalmologist is important to prevent permanent vision loss.
Optic nerve inflammation — or optic neuritis — occurs when the eye’s optic nerve becomes irritated and enlarged. This condition often causes eye pain and possible vision loss. Underlying diseases such as diabetes, immune disorders and multiple sclerosis usually lead to inflammation. Young adults, especially women, seem the most susceptible to the affliction.
Two primary eye-related symptoms accompany optic nerve inflammation: pain and vision loss. Pain centered on the eye typically worsens with eye movement and begins before visual disturbances occur. However, once vision has been impaired, this result becomes the primary indicator of dysfunction. A visual disturbance can be a slight fading of color or it can escalate into partial or even complete loss of vision. In the least extreme case, some types of color vision are more severely impaired, such as the color red.
If vision is only slightly impaired, detecting optic nerve inflammation can be difficult. The condition can only affect one eye, so the good eye can somewhat mask the visual distortion by compensating for the disturbance in the other eye. Because the optic nerve is internal and connects the brain to the eye, a visible change in appearance is not likely for the affected individual. Even in medical settings, the only apparent manifestation of optic neuritis in many cases is a slight swelling of the optic nerve.
Disorders that cause inflammation in the body can impact the optic nerve. One of the most common causes of optic nerve inflammation is multiple sclerosis. In this inflammatory disorder, areas of the brain and spinal cord called myelin sheaths become irritated and eventually degenerate. Due to its proximity to these areas of the nervous system, the optic nerve can be affected by this effect. Other types of inflammatory conditions that can contribute to optic neuritis include inflammation of the eye cells related to diabetes, disorders that mutate inflammatory processes by attacking the immune system, and various types of bacterial or viral infections.
Diagnosing and treating inflammation of the optic nerve is important to prevent permanent vision loss. General practitioners may recommend an eye doctor — or an ophthalmologist — if an advanced problem is suspected. If the diagnosis is optic neuritis, the specialist may recommend corticosteroid injection treatment to speed healing or, in minor cases, may simply let the condition resolve itself. In advanced conditions, therapies to suppress the immune system and its inflammatory capabilities may be needed. Treating any underlying disorder is perhaps the strongest defense against optic nerve inflammation and other unwanted side effects.