Packet writing allows information to be written in blocks on a portion of a CD, enhancing its use as a file storage alternative. It allows for more information to be stored on the same CD and files can be “deleted” but not actually removed. However, it may not be the best option for those who need extra security for their files.
Packet writing is a form of recording information on compact discs that allows information to be written in blocks on a portion of the CD, rather than in a general format using chunks of the entire disc. Without packet writing, some discs may only be burned with information once, regardless of how much space is still available on them. The benefit of packet writing is that it greatly enhances the use of a CD as a file storage and management alternative.
While computer users have always appreciated that CDs have more space available than traditional storage devices like floppy disks, it has always been a downside that CDs store information awkwardly, compared to those other formats. CDs were very useful if a large amount of information needed to be stored at once. However, it could be a very expensive storage alternative for users who need to store a few smaller files bit by bit.
Packet writing’s ability to store data in blocks allows for more information to be stored on the same CD, even if the information has already been written to it. While packet writing doesn’t make all CDs truly rewritable, it might appear so to the casual observer. The differences, however, while not immediately visible are important and should be noted by those used to memorize information with traditional floppy disks.
For example, packet writing allows users to “delete” files. However, the files are not actually removed from the disk. Rather, they are simply marked as deleted so they no longer appear in the directory listing.
Similarly, if a file is written to the CD using packet writing and then a later version is saved, the originally saved form is not actually overwritten. Rather a new copy is saved elsewhere on the disk. The next time a user accesses that file, it will be the latest version that will be loaded.
While these may seem like minor issues, they can become very major. For example, each time an item is saved, there is a little less usable disk space. Likewise, deleting an item doesn’t actually free up space. As long as users keep this in mind as they work, there shouldn’t be any surprises.
In some ways, package writing can be a bit tricky when it comes to deleting files and checking in new files. Those who need extra security for their files may want to think twice before using CDs, as a person with the proper knowledge and equipment may be able to easily recover a file marked as deleted. However, packet writing also offers great benefits to those who want to use CDs to store information. The benefits far outweigh the drawbacks in most cases.