Paresthesia is a temporary change in sensation that may indicate a neurological problem if chronic. It can involve tingling, numbness, crawling or itching sensations, and is caused by environmental factors or medical conditions. Persistent cases require a neurologist’s attention.
Parasatesia, which is actually correctly spelled paresthesia, is a temporary change in sensation that is not accompanied by long-term damage or change. However, chronic episodes may indicate that someone is experiencing a neurological problem that should be addressed, with changes in sensation being a symptom of a serious underlying problem. Many people experience some degree of paresthesia at some point in their lives.
In some cases, paresthesia involves a tingling or tingling sensation. People may also experience a brief wave of heat or cold or numbness, where they feel nothing in the affected area. Crawling or itching sensations may also characterize paresthesia in some cases. Usually, the sensation disappears after a few moments, leaving no noticeable change.
Transient paresthesia occurs briefly and in response to an environmental cause. For example, someone unzipping a pair of tight pants might experience a pins-and-needles sensation around their waist for a moment. Limbs that “fall asleep” are another example of transient paresthesia. Pinching nerves in the neck or along a limb can cause a transient case of paraesthesia.
Chronic paresthesia is a neurological problem, caused by a failure in the neurons that transmit signals throughout the nervous system. It is usually a symptom of a problem such as poor circulation, inflammation, or a medical condition that can range from a tumor in the brain to a pinched nerve in the spinal cord. This type of change in sensation will appear for extended periods and will continue to appear over and over in the same place, unlike a transient change in sensation, which will rarely hit the same spot twice.
In addition to being caused by certain medical conditions, chronic paraesthesia can also be caused by accidents during medical procedures and is a common side effect in some cases. Dentists, in particular, notice temporary changes in sensation among their patients after procedures such as root canals. Patients should always report changes in sensitivity to a physician, even if anticipated, so that the physician can keep up to date with the patient’s condition.
People who experience persistent and recurring changes in sensation should see a neurologist. The neurologist can determine the underlying cause and work with the patient to develop a treatment plan for the condition causing the problem. During treatment, the paresthesia should resolve naturally. In some cases, it may not be possible to treat the underlying condition, in which case various techniques may be used to help the patient cope with the paresthesia.