What’s Parlay in CompSci?

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Parlay is a specification related to APIs that maintains standards for network functions, developed by the Parlay Group, a consortium of major players in communications and information systems. It enables components on one network to interface with components on another network and addresses fundamental issues such as network control and security protocols. Parlay is an ongoing process that helps provide a solid foundation for computer systems to function worldwide.

Parlay, used in the computing world, is a form of specification related to application programming interfaces or APIs. In essence, the purpose of Parlay is to maintain standards for a wide range of network functions, thus making it possible for various components on one network to interface with components on another network. Parlay’s current specifications are not set in stone and in fact continue to evolve as computer technology continues to develop.

Parlay is being developed by the Parlay Group. This group is a working consortium that is made up of many of the major players in the world of communications and information systems development. Such companies well known to IBM, Lucent, Cisco and Microsoft have been part of the Parlay Group since its inception. Establishing standards that all member companies are committed to observing makes it much easier to create communication networks using components that recognize each other.

Parlay is generally considered an appropriate name for the spec, since a parlay is all about making the most of what you already have in hand. When defining specifications, Parlay’s process enables member companies to make the best use of their assets by ensuring that their products work well with products manufactured by other members of the Group. As a result, unified networking allows all member companies to earn more from their efforts.

Parlay tackles just about any aspect of a programming interface imaginable. The specifications must address fundamental issues such as controlling a network, including the security protocols inherent in the network. General operation, administration and maintenance (known as OA&M) are also the focus of the specifications set by the Parlay Group. Features such as mobile commerce and general e-commerce transmissions between networks are also considered.

While Parlay is an ongoing process that requires some updates as new technology emerges, the API process helps provide a solid foundation for computer systems to function worldwide. Without Parlay, the quick access to information and reliable voice and data communications common in most businesses and homes today probably wouldn’t be as easy or efficient to use.

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