Parsonage-Turner syndrome causes sudden shoulder pain and muscle weakness or paralysis in the arm, hand, or wrist. It can be caused by viral or bacterial infections, vaccinations, childbirth, surgery, trauma, or genetic defects. Treatment involves pain management and physical therapy, and most people recover fully within five years.
Parsonage-Turner syndrome is a relatively rare disorder that affects the shoulder, particularly the motor neurons in the brachial plexus nerve group. In most cases, the affected individual has sudden shoulder pain in only one shoulder. It is often followed by a decrease in muscle control in the hand, wrist or arm and can sometimes result in shoulder paralysis. Also called brachial plexus neuritis, this disease can affect people of any age, and an accurate diagnosis is usually made by ruling out other ailments or conditions.
Typically, Parsonage-Turner syndrome occurs when the nerves that control the muscles in the shoulder and arm become inflamed – shoulder and arm pain are among the first symptoms. Usually, an affected individual will experience muscle fatigue, weakness, muscle wasting, or paralysis shortly after the initial shoulder pain. If a person experiences paralysis, they will have lameness in the shoulder and upper arm muscles, as well as muscle atrophy or wasting of the muscles. Fortunately, even when paralysis occurs, full recovery from Parsonage-Turner syndrome is possible.
Scientists are still uncertain about the causes of Parsonage-Turner syndrome. It has been linked to several health issues, such as viral infections, bacterial infections, vaccinations, and childbirth. Other possible contributors to the condition include side effects from surgery, trauma, and some cancers, such as lymphoma and lupus. Some scientists believe that a certain form of the disease can also be caused by a genetic defect. If a person has the hereditary form of Parsonage-Turner syndrome, both shoulders can be affected.
Research has yet to yield an efficient and effective treatment of Parsonage-Turner syndrome. Typically, symptoms, such as pain, are treated through the use of over-the-counter pain medications. Additionally, many medical providers recommend that the affected person rest their shoulder muscles and immobilize the affected area. Sometimes physical therapy works to reduce pain and increase the range of motion of the shoulder muscles.
The prognosis of Parsonage-Turner syndrome is usually very good. Recovery of sensation and strength in the upper arm and shoulder usually begins at the same time. Typically, recovery can begin as early as one month after the onset of symptoms. In most cases, a full recovery is possible, but it may take up to five years. As with many diseases, the best and fastest recovery can come through open communication with an experienced physician. Because it is diagnosed by exclusion, it is essential that doctors are able to rule out other conditions that can mimic Parsonage-Turner syndrome.