Petty theft, also known as petit larceny, is a minor crime that involves stealing property of low value. Different jurisdictions have varying definitions of what constitutes petty theft, but it usually involves thefts under a certain amount of money. Petty theft can include stealing items such as ornaments, purses, wallets, backpacks, and electronics. Petty theft is often considered a misdemeanor and can result in fines and/or jail time. Repeat offenders or those who commit more serious thefts may face more severe penalties. Legal representation can help reduce the sentence or erase charges from a criminal record.
Petty theft is the modern spelling of classified crimes in 13th century or earlier Europe. The initial term was petit larceny and crime then and today usually means “petty theft”. Various jurisdictions determine what petty or petty means, and some examples include thefts under $13 or $100 US Dollars (USD). Petty theft is usually considered a minor crime, qualifying as a misdemeanor in many regions, and is in contrast to grand larceny, which involves stealing property that is worth much more.
There are many different ways in which petty theft can be committed. Stealing an ornament from someone’s home might be considered eligible, even if a person eventually returns it. Grabbing someone’s purse or wallet could be petty theft if the amount in it is deemed small or meager by a jurisdiction. Taking a backpack, stealing an iPod®, shoplifting, or running off with someone’s coat are all potential examples of petty theft.
Petty theft usually involves at least two acts. These are getting hold of an item that doesn’t belong to the thief and then transporting that item from its current location. It’s easy to see how one petty theft can lead to more infractions. Grabbing someone to steal a wallet or purse could be assault and/or battery. Being on someone’s property without permission could be petty theft and trespassing. As the charges increase, so does the severity of the sentence and/or fines.
It’s easy to dismiss petty theft as a minor crime, and courts may treat petty theft as a misdemeanor, but they don’t always do so. A person cannot be sure that such a crime will not end up incurring both jail time and fines. Due to the nature of the crime and the minimal value of the stolen item, prison sentences rarely exceed one year. Again, people need to be aware that the sentencing comments don’t apply everywhere.
It gets worse if people have committed more than petty theft. A habitual purse snatcher, for example, might be viewed as a criminal for committing multiple acts of theft. In these cases, jail time will almost always be the result and could be significant.
Even when petty theft is considered a crime, legal representation is important for those accused of this crime. Potentially, a petty theft first offense could be treated differently and a minimal penalty could be enforced, given a person’s genuine regret at the action. Sometimes it’s even possible to erase charges and convictions from a criminal record, particularly if a person who has committed petty theft has only done it once or twice and was under the age of 18. An attorney can help ease the path to this, and he or she may also be able to press charges or work with a prosecutor to reduce the sentence.