Phantasmagoria is a ghost show that originated in France in the late 18th century and peaked in popularity throughout Europe in the 19th century. It consisted of projected ghostly images and accelerated camera movements later used in film. The first show was created by Paul Philipsthal, while the most famous showman was Etienne-Gaspard Robert. The popularity of Phantasmagoria was driven by interest in gothic novels. Its influence can still be seen in modern cinema and theme park attractions, such as Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion.
Also known as Fantasmagorie or Fantasmagoria, Phantasmagoria is a projected ghost show that originated in France during the late 18th century and peaked in popularity during the 19th century throughout Europe. Phantasmagoria show effects consist of a series of ghostly images such as skeletons, demons or other macabre apparitions projected onto screens, walls, fog or smoke. Phantasmagoria was not only innovative for its time period, it also accelerated camera movements later employed in 18th-century film, such as zooming and fading.
Aside from other forms of experimentation with shadow play and projection, such as the Magic Lantern shows, the very first Phantasmagoria show is generally considered to have been created by Paul Philipsthal. Also known by his stage name, Paul Philidor, he created the first Phantasmagoria show in 1789 as part of a larger production consisting of séances and other parlor tricks. Phantasmagoria’s most famous showman, however, was the Belgian physicist and inventor, Etienne-Gaspard Robert, also known as Etienne Robertson. In 1797 he brought his own Phantasmagoria show to Paris, where he became famous for staging elaborate productions in real crypts complete with projected ghosts and eerie sound effects. Soon after, Robertson took his show to Russia and Spain, where it was also well received.
The popularity of Phantasmagoria entertainment in the 19th century was largely driven by interest in gothic novels of the time, in which floating specters and other macabre imagery were fictionalized. In 1919, Phantasmagoria finally came to the theater in a production of The Flying Dutchman when it was used to produce the illusion of a floating ghost ship. Phantasmagoria’s popularity began to wane in mid-1826 as other more sophisticated forms of projection, animation, and eventually feature films advanced.
A collection of poems written by Alice in Wonderland author Lewis Carroll called Phantasmagoria was published in 1869. The main poem, which bears the collection’s title, is written as a narrative conversation between a ghost and a man who discusses the differences between ghosts and humans.
Phantasmagoria influences can still be seen in modern cinema and theme park attractions, especially those created by Walt Disney. Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion, for example, uses “smoke and mirrors” to create its ghostly special effects.