Phosphoric acid, also known as phosphoricum acidum in homeopathic medicine, is used to treat emotional and physical ailments caused by stress and exhaustion. It is extracted from phosphorus and is popular in homeopathy, but also has other uses such as in sugar refining and medicine. It is recommended that treatment with phosphoricum acidum be accompanied by rest, exercise, and warmth.
The substance known in the scientific world as phosphoric acid is known in the world of homeopathic medicine as phosphoricum acidum. This man-made mineral is used in small doses as a home herbal remedy to treat emotional ailments resulting from stress and exhaustion, such as apathy, listlessness, grief, and others. It is also used for certain physical ailments, and is an important ingredient in various manufacturing industries.
Phosphoricum acidum is extracted from phosphorus. In nature, phosphorus occurs as apatite, a crystalline substance found in certain types of rock. When sulfuric acid and calcium phosphate combine, phosphoric acid is produced.
This substance is most popularly used in homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy, which is gaining popularity around the world, is defined by the phrase “I like cure”. In other words, a treatment must be similar to the ailment or to substances that can aggravate symptoms in large doses. This concept is similar to that used in flu vaccines in Western medicine in which a small amount of the flu virus is injected into the body to build resistance in the immune system. Most homeopathic cures require small, diluted doses, and only one remedy should be used at a time for various ailments.
Of the many ailments phosphoricum acidum is meant to cure in homeopathic medicine, many result from stress. Mental and physical exhaustion, listlessness, pain, insomnia along with fatigue, lethargy and listlessness are treated with phosphoric acid. The telltale initial symptoms of these ailments are thought to include loss of appetite, thirst for sweet or fruity drinks, difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, and cold sweats. However, in large doses, this substance could aggravate such ailments and symptoms.
Experts in homeopathic medicine state that the best candidates for phosphoricum acidum treatment are people with generally calm and gentle personalities, who may be experiencing pain or trauma that they have profound difficulty coping with adequately. However, the treatment should not be seen as a complete cure. It is recommended that a phosphoricum acidum regimen be accompanied by light exercise, plenty of rest, and physical warmth.
Phosphoric acid also has a number of uses outside of the realm of homeopathy. In the past, it has been used as a digestive stimulant. It can help reduce elevated calcium levels in potential cancer patients, fight hair loss and diabetes, prevent digestive tract-related dehydration, and provide relief for children suffering from growing pains. In addition, phosphoric acid is an ingredient used in sugar refining, various medicines, detergents, fertilizers, and rust removers.