Photogrammetry software uses 2D photographs to create 3D models for use in various industries, including architecture, engineering, and film. The software traces key points on the photograph to establish the shape and scale of the object, and can generate photorealistic textures for the model.
Photogrammetry software is a computer program that allows a user to easily and effectively use two-dimensional (2D) photographs to create three-dimensional (3D) patterns and textures for use in 3D programs. These types of programs are used across a number of industries and often work to create a 3D model which can then be exported from the software used to create it and imported into another 3D program for further manipulation and use. This can include architecture programs for interior and exterior design as well as art programs used in computer animation. Photogrammetry software is often used in a variety of fields, from architecture and engineering to geological surveying and film production.
The process known as photogrammetry is the use of a 2D image, typically a photograph, to create real-world measurements of the objects captured in the image. It has been around for about as long as photography has existed and has been made easier with advances in computers and the capabilities of modern software programs. Photogrammetry software is a computer program that allows a user to take a 2D image such as a photograph and then use that image as the basis for a 3D representation of what is in the image, called a 3D model.
This is usually done with user input, tracing key points on the photograph to give photogrammetry software a sense of scale and proportion within the image. The photogrammetry software will then use these points as a guide in establishing the shape and scale of the object in the image. These points and data can then be used by the program to create a 3D model of the object in the image; this model is typically a wireframe and consists of a simple 3D representation of the object. Some software can also use source photography to generate textures for 3D models that are photorealistic and can be applied directly to the model.
The use of photogrammetry software is quite common in a number of different industries, such as architecture, engineering, and film. Through photogrammetry, an architect can take a photograph of a building, then turn that photograph into a 3D model of the building for use in their portfolio or to expand further for a future project. Similarly, an engineer might use a photograph of a car to create a 3D model of the car for use in engineering software to perform virtual tests and collect data. Photogrammetry is often used in film special effects, as it can allow the user to use photographs of something real to create a 3D model of the object and then manipulate that model in an art program.