Pistachio paste is made from pistachios and used to flavor desserts and savory dishes. Pistachios have been grown for centuries in Asia and were introduced to the Western world by traders. There are over 100 varieties of pistachios, and the nuts are high in nutrients but can be expensive. Pistachio paste can be made with raw pistachios, sugar, honey, water, almonds, and butter, and is often stored in the refrigerator.
Pistachio paste is a smooth paste made from pistachios. The paste is used to flavor pistachio puddings, custards, cakes, macaroons, ice creams, cakes, biscuits and other pistachio dessert dishes. It can also be used to flavor other savory foods. While cooking with pistachios has become quite popular in the western part of the world, it originated in the central parts of Asia.
Pistachios have been grown extensively for centuries in the desert regions of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Jordan, and pistachios are known to have been very popular with the Mughals, Assyrians and Persian royal families; because of this, pistachios are often described as shahi or “real.” In Roman times, traders introduced pistachios to the Western world and pistachio trees began to be grown in many European countries. Pistachio cultivation began on the American continent in California in the 1850s and was accelerated in the 1970s as relations between the US and Iran, the leading exporter of pistachios to the United States, soured. Pistachio cultivation has also been successfully conducted in arid regions of Australia and China.
There are over a hundred varieties of pistachios, and this can make a big difference in size, color, and taste. The nuts are harvested when ripe, shelled, air-dried, and sorted and processed for market. Pistachios are great to eat as they are high in carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins. Because harvesting and processing these nuts is very labor intensive, however, pistachios and pistachio products can often be quite expensive.
Pistachio paste can be purchased ready-made or made with raw pistachios. To make pistachio paste, raw pistachios are blanched, roasted and mashed. The other ingredients used in making the dough include sugar, honey, water, almonds and butter. Green food coloring can be used if a bright green paste is needed. The sugar and honey may be omitted in some cases, especially if the paste is to be used in dishes other than desserts.
When the pasta is ready, it is sometimes mixed with butter to give it a smoother texture. The pistachio paste must be stored without adding butter and preferably in an airtight container in the refrigerator. When stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator, pistachio paste can last up to a month.