Pixel art is created by manipulating images at the pixel level. The term was first used in 1982, and pixel software is used to create pixel art or reference pixel elements. Some artists are purists, while others combine pixel and vector art. JScreenFix reactivates stuck pixels.
A pixel is the smallest unit of a video screen and gets its name from an alternative spelling of pics, short for image, and el, short for element. Pixel art is art made in part or entirely by focusing on the manipulation of images at the pixel level. The term was apparently first used in publication in 1982 by researchers at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, although the concept was at least a decade older, harking back to the design of many early 2D computer games. One use of the term pixel software is to refer to the software used to create pixel art. The term software pixel has other uses as well.
When referring to pixel art, some artists are purists who only use pixel manipulation in their art, while others stretch the definition in various ways. These artists’ definitions of pixel art will influence what applications the artists consider pixel software. The software used for pixel art ranges from free programs such as Pixel or Active Pixel or Graphics Gale to MicroSoft® Paint to Adobe® Photoshop®.
Many pixel artists stick to the simplest programs or use only high-end programs for special effects. Some consider the special effects available in Photoshop® to be outside the realm of pixel art. Still others have no problem combining pixel art and vector art to create a mixed end product.
Pixel software is also used to refer to software that references the pixel elements of the computer monitor. An example is A Ruler for Windows, which is a ruler of pixels on the screen. Calculators that convert dpi (dots per inch) to pixels and vice versa may also be called pixel software. Pixel meter software, utility for identifying the color of a selected pixel on a monitor. One, called the Digital Color Meter®, is installed on Mac computers and allows the user to control the opening of the color picker and choose the preferred reading type.
JScreenFix is a completely different kind of pixel software. It’s a Java applet designed to identify and reactivate stuck pixels that aren’t actually dead. The application works on plasma screens and LCD monitors.