Polio is a viral infectious disease that spreads through unclean conditions and improper sanitation. It can cause flu-like symptoms, aseptic meningitis, paralysis, and even death. Vaccines have made it rare in first world countries, but it remains a recurring problem in developing countries. Proper hygiene is essential during outbreaks. Vaccination is standard in many countries.
Poliomyelitis or polio is an acute viral infectious disease. It spreads through crowding, unclean conditions, and improper sanitation of waste fluids. In the early 20th century, this disease ravaged many populations around the world; thanks to vaccines developed in the middle of the century, it is rare in first world countries. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive vaccination in developing countries makes polio a recurring problem in these areas of the world.
The infection is caused by poliovirus, a virus that attacks the digestive tract in humans. There are three classes of disease, and the mildest, type three, accounts for the majority of infections. The patient may experience a general feeling of malaise and flu-like symptoms, but may also not realize that these symptoms are the result of a polio infection. In severe cases, the virus enters the bloodstream and begins multiplying rapidly, causing more serious health problems.
A more aggressive form of polio focuses on the spinal cord. It causes a condition known as aseptic meningitis, which can be very serious. The patient experiences the classic symptoms of meningitis, such as fever and stiff neck, but the symptoms are caused by the virus instead of the bacteria and viruses more commonly associated with meningococcal disease. It can be treated by keeping the patient hydrated and rested on a firm bed.
The most severe type of polio is associated with paralysis. About 1 percent of cases will result in a condition called flaccid paralysis, in which the virus disrupts muscle signals, causing muscles to become loose and weak. In some cases, the body can recover naturally, growing new nerve cells to replace the damaged ones. In other cases, permanent paralysis or disfigurement may result. If polio travels to the brain or lungs, it can be fatal, causing the patient to stop breathing. More aggressive therapy, such as putting the patient on a ventilator, may be required for survival.
When a polio outbreak occurs, proper hygiene is essential. The disease has an incubation period of three to 12 days, so members of a family may already have it. To prevent the spread of disease, water should be boiled before drinking and the house should be kept scrupulously clean. Once a patient has been diagnosed with the virus, she may face a long period of physical therapy if the infection takes a paralytic form.
In 1955, Jonas Salk developed a vaccine for polio using a deactivated virus. Albert Sabin followed in 1963 with an easy-to-administer oral active vaccine, which is also highly effective. Consequently, routine vaccination against this disease is standard in many countries.