Polycythemia is a disease where there are too many red blood cells, causing the blood to thicken. It can be caused by genetic abnormalities, malignancies, or oxygen deprivation. Treatment includes therapeutic phlebotomy and medication to inhibit the formation of red blood cells.
Polycythemia is a disease in which there are too many red blood cells, causing the blood to thicken over time. This condition can be caused by a number of factors, including genetic abnormalities, malignancies, and oxygen deprivation. It is usually diagnosed following a blood test that reveals an abnormally high red blood cell count in primary polycythemia or an unusually low plasma count in secondary polycythemia.
Congenital polycythemia, also called polycythemia vera or polycythemia rubra, is caused by an abnormality in the bone marrow that causes excessive production of red blood cells. The condition usually has a very slow onset, rarely appears in people under 40, and is more common in men. People can inherit the abnormality or it can occur due to a spontaneous mutation. In families with a history of this condition, it may be a good idea to get tested for signs of polycythemia or the genetic abnormality causing it.
In acquired forms of the condition, the bone marrow begins to overproduce red blood cells in response to environmental cues. Some malignancies can cause an overproduction of red blood cells, for example, and the condition is also linked to people living at high altitudes or working in oxygen-deprived environments. This condition can also lead to complications: the production of too many red blood cells has also been linked to the development of some types of leukemia, for example.
While the increase in red blood cells isn’t inherently harmful, it can lead to medical complications. Patients with polycythemia usually experience shortness of breath, slow wound healing, dizziness, fatigue, and itchy, red skin, especially after a shower. They can also develop strokes and other medical problems due to clots caused by their thickened blood. People with these symptoms should see a doctor for an exam to determine the cause and discuss treatment options.
One of the main treatments for polycythemia is therapeutic phlebotomy, in which blood is removed on a regular basis to remove excess red blood cells. Patients may also be given drugs designed to inhibit the formation of red blood cells so they are less prone to a buildup of red blood cells in the blood. Other medications may be used to manage clotting problems and symptoms such as itching associated with polycythemia. It’s important to get regular treatment and testing, because people with untreated or unmanaged forms of this disease can die.