Presumption is a literary device that compares seemingly unrelated topics, often using metaphors. It can be divided into metaphysical and Petrarchan conceptions, and is often used to explore life and emotions. Extended metaphors can be found in entire works of literature, such as John Donne’s “A Valediction Forbidden Mourning.”
A presumption is a method of comparison used in the literature and can be seen as a form of metaphor. The main feature of this literary device is its originality, as a conceit will often relate two seemingly unrelated and sometimes markedly conflicting topics. Two common historical literary subdivisions are the metaphysical conception and the Petrarchan conception.
The poem itself often contains observations about life, the human race and the surrounding world. These modes of expression often emphasize brevity and the power of using words to create vivid images. Literary methods of comparison such as similes and metaphors are one of the most common ways to accomplish this mental artwork.
Metaphors involve comparing one person, object or idea with another person, object or idea. The two subjects will therefore likely share similarities that may not be apparent to the casual observer. It is often the job of the poet, writer, or speaker to work out these parallels. To draw the strongest possible correlation, it is often explicitly stated that one subject is the other subject. For example, “he’s a parasite” would be considered a metaphor because the sentence uses the stronger, more conclusive “is” rather than the less definitive “like” or “like.”
Concepts are metaphors notable for their element of surprise. While some comparisons are obvious and almost self-explanatory, Conceit uses complex and often wildly imaginative associations. The comparison of a supreme spiritual being with a small insect or an ordinary everyday object can serve as an example. Indeed, spiritual themes are the focus of one of the most popular types of conceit: the metaphysical conceit.
Another oft-analysed literary subject drives Petrarch’s conceit: love. These poetic forms explore the intricate, paradoxical, and sometimes humorous emotions associated with romantic feelings. For example, in William Shakespeare’s sonnet “Shall I compare you to a summer day?” the narrator compares his love to all the undesirable elements of summer, such as the chaotic winds.
While most linguistic devices such as metaphors consist of a simple sentence, some points of comparison can be carried over into an entire work of literature. Entire poems or novels can therefore function as one long metaphor. This more complex form of comparison is known as an extended metaphor, and presumptions are a particularly important and often complicated type. Poet John Donne made frequent use of this literary technique, as in his poem “A Valediction Forbidden Mourning,” in which the souls of lovers are likened to a compass.