What’s Product Info Management?

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Product information management involves maintaining all product-related information in a single database, primarily for marketing purposes. It is a type of enterprise content management that allows multiple users to access, create, and modify information in real-time. These systems are useful for companies with multiple operations centers. They work by providing front-end user access to an internal database and can be easily connected to other marketing databases. They ensure consistency in advertising and make product information available to external suppliers.

Product information management is a process by which all information related to a product is maintained within a single database. This information can be anything from technical schematics to pre-written catalog notes, but the primary focus of most product information management systems is marketing. Regardless of the distribution channel used, all information relating to the use or sale of the product can be found in a single database. This allows
cross-channel marketing to use similar styles, languages ​​and motifs.

A product information management system is a type of enterprise content management. These are information storage systems that allow multiple users to access, create and modify information simultaneously and in real time. Other types of enterprise content management include enterprise document archiving systems and content management platforms, such as the Joomla® web system.

These systems work best in areas where there are multiple groups that need simultaneous access to information. The need for core content management stems from a growing trend among companies to have large operations centers in multiple areas. Whether by design or through refurbishment, such as after a merger, content management allows these different areas to communicate freely without having to be in close physical proximity.

Most product information management systems work in a similar way. They are front-end user access points to an internal database such as Oracle or MySQL. That means they don’t store the information they contain: a standard corporate database does. They simply allow users a less technical means of entering information. This reduces the training required for non-technical employees and makes the system easier to use for everyone.

Thanks to the standardized databases they use, it is easy to connect product information management databases to more conventional marketing databases. These other databases may contain sales records, account numbers, or other specific sales information. By combining the information contained in the two databases, it is possible to pre-select customers who may be interested in a new or existing product based on previous sales.

Most product information management databases contain information intended for the public. This information usually focuses on marketing and sales information, product descriptions, and user manuals. Since the information is public, databases are often shared between companies. With product information available to external suppliers, it is easier to build compatible products or find manufacturers for specialized components.
Another big benefit of product information systems is consistency in advertising. Different departments advertising across different channels, such as retail and corporate, may share marketing information with each other. Instead of designing their own campaigns, they can share information, ensuring line items stay the same across channels. This consistency improves awareness of the product if a consumer encounters the product outside the channel with which they are familiar.

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