Projective identification is a psychological process where a person projects their negative thoughts and beliefs onto a third party as a defense mechanism. It is believed to be the basis for empathy and intuition and is still a matter of controversy. The emotionally contagious nature of projective identification has been studied in relation to group phenomena such as the bandwagon effect and groupthink.
Projective identification is a psychological process by which a person projects their thoughts and beliefs onto a third party. Often considered a defense mechanism, projective identification is generally associated with negative thoughts and actions that an individual considers unacceptable. The emotionally infectious aspect of projective identification has led to the successful study of shared group phenomena.
Psychoanalyst Melanie Klein first introduced the term projective identification in the mid-1940s. In his work Notes on Some Schizoid Mechanisms, Klein suggested that projected thoughts could somehow be placed inside an animated object as a means of controlling it. Although still in its infancy, Klein’s theory would later be developed to explain a very intricate interpersonal process.
Considered a primordial practice, projective identification is believed to be the basis upon which many psychological processes develop. Empathy and intuition are two valuable processes believed to be rooted in the mind’s ability to project values. As a defense mechanism, projective identification allows an individual to attach value and meaning to emotions and feelings that are difficult for them to concede. Furthermore, the process allows an individual to exert some control over a situation and shape their self-image by shedding negative attributes and wearing positive ones.
According to projective identification theory, individuals who possess a thought about themselves that they consider intolerable will project it onto another person. During an interaction with a third party, the individual dominates and shapes the situation in such a way as to acclimate the other to the projection. As a result, the other person is somehow modified to behave in a way that the individual found distasteful. The individual who projected the negativity is then able to freely identify the other person as possessing the unbearable attributes that he was so eager to discard.
Identifying when the projective identification process begins, defining what is projected, and how and when the process ends are still a matter of some controversy. Dr. TH Ogden defined projective identification as an interpersonal process involving simultaneously a defense against the intolerable, an interpersonal relationship and communication. Once the negativity has been identified and a relationship established with a third party, communication most often occurs cyclically in a non-verbal manner.
As a means of communication, it is suggested that the cycles of projection and identification occur repeatedly in succession and allow an individual to express their unpleasant thoughts or feelings non-verbally. The recipient of these feelings may not be aware of the transference, but is able to empathize with the individual who is communicating the distress through the action. What is new about this aspect of the process is the lack of awareness suggested by the individual making the projection. The person is probably unaware of the nonverbal cues she is emitting, thus admitting an experience of which she is completely unaware.
In recent years, the theory of projection and how it relates to groups of people has been studied extensively. Specifically, studies have been conducted to examine how the emotionally contagious nature of such projective identification affects shared phenomena such as the bandwagon effect and groupthink. Within such phenomena, anonymity is pushed forward and the individual withdraws into the masses. The lack of diversity fosters a comfortable cohesion in which all parties are able to function with minimal confrontation, individual accountability, or self-reflection.