Propagation delay is the time it takes for a digital signal to travel from input to output. It affects data transfer and reception efficiency, with shorter delays being better. Advances in technology have reduced delays, improving communication and task execution times.
Propagation delay is the amount of time it takes for a digital signal to travel from an input point to an output point. Depending on how the delay is measured, results can be reported in microseconds, nanoseconds, or picoseconds. Depending on the length of the link and the actual propagation rate, the amount of delay will vary from one application or execution to another. Both memory chips and microprocessors are subject to some degree of propagation delay.
The idea of propagation delay is found with nearly all electronic devices used to carry some type of data. With computers, the length of a delay has a direct impact on how quickly the system can process different commands. When it comes to providing wireless communication functions such as voice communications, propagation delay affects the real-time aspect of interactive communications. With all applications, the goal is to keep the delay duration as short as possible, without overstressing the circuitry and equipment used to run it.
The level of propagation delay has a direct impact on the efficiency of data transfer and reception, as the length of the delay determines how quickly a recipient can begin using the data and perform a follow-up action. For example, wireless communication options during the first half of the 20th century often involved a slight delay between the point of origin and the point of termination. This made it necessary for the recipient to wait for the entire message to arrive from the sender, then begin the business of providing a reply. Over time, wireless communications have become more efficient, allowing propagation delay to be significantly reduced, ultimately enabling today’s secure, real-time interactive voice communications with no perceptible delay.
Along with innovations in voice communications that virtually eliminate propagation delay, the evolution of computer technology has also made it possible to execute commands and complete tasks in a fraction of the time once required by mid-20th century electronic brains. Searching databases or even browsing online for information often occurs with little or no delay for individuals executing search commands. The end result is that research that once took hours can now be handled in seconds or minutes, a factor that has helped many companies use resources more effectively and increase their chances of generating revenue without the need to spend additional resources.