Quantum electronics studies the interaction of radiation and matter at the quantum level, with lasers and masers being primary devices used to stimulate transitions between quantum energy levels. These machines have practical applications in fields such as distance measurement, optical communications, and communication towers.
In the field of quantum electronics, scientists study the interaction of radiation and matter at the quantum level. Using the knowledge of electronics and physics, scientists in this field have made many advances in optics and radio physics. Machines such as light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (lasers) and microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (masers) are particularly useful in the field of quantum electronics.
Quantum theory is accepted by scientists as the basic theory of physics that unifies all physical devices. As such, any electronic device can be considered a quantum electronic device. Most scientists, however, believe that quantum electronic devices are only those devices that stimulate transitions between quantum energy levels. Lasers and masers are the primary devices used in quantum electronics, as each of these concentrates energy into a narrow, focused beam. Transistors and superconductors can use the principles of quantum mechanics, but are usually not considered quantum electronic devices.
In quantum electronics, the transitions between quantum energy levels are of particular importance. Atoms, molecules and other quantum systems contain excited particles. These systems can only contain certain, strictly defined amounts of energy. When a system emits electromagnetic radiation, in the form of light or radio waves, it moves from a higher energy level to a lower one. Lasers and masers can be used to excite these atoms or molecules into higher energy states.
Lasers are one of the main devices used in quantum electronics. These machines radiate light waves in a focused beam within a narrow range of radiation. This makes the light emitted by a laser monochromatic, whereas most light sources emit multiple colors of light, even if the light appears to the eye to contain only one color.
Lasers are important both in research and in solving practical problems. The light from a laser does not give off heat and lacks an electric charge. A laser can work in corrosive gases and in a vacuum. They are useful for measuring distance with great accuracy, optical communications, and thermonuclear fusion.
Another instrument commonly used in quantum electronics is the maser. These devices emit microwave radiation in a focused beam. The frequency of these microwaves is stable and does not deteriorate as easily as standard microwaves do. The application of this machine allows communication towers that emit sound waves in the microwave radiation range to send information great distances with little distortion.