The EPFX/SCIO machine can perform a quantum reflex analysis to measure 22 elements of bodily health by measuring the level of radiated molecular luminance. Quantum Nutrition Labs produces nutritional supplements aimed at restoring the body’s natural cellular resonance. The quantum reflection analysis can assess whether a person is having any number of problems, including identifying nutritional problems, excess metal free radicals in the bloodstream, viral patterns, blood sugar disorders, and organ, muscle, or skeletal defects.
According to herbalist Bob Marshall and his certified examiners, a machine called the EPFX/SCIO can perform a quantum reflex analysis to measure 22 elements of bodily health by measuring the level of radiated molecular luminance. Quantum reflex analysis has a setup similar to a lie detector test. Rate monitoring bands are placed around the head, wrists and other regions, and are then connected to the EPFC/SCIO. This is connected to a computer that allows a certified examiner to measure a person’s molecular radiance with special software, which Marshall calls “cellular resonance”.
Created by Marshall, the company Quantum Nutrition Labs in Austin, Texas produces a variety of nutritional supplements aimed at restoring the body’s natural cellular resonance. Treatment through supplements can follow the results of a quantum reflex analysis. A range of nutritional supplements and alternative medicine practices can be employed to make those reflex points healthier.
According to Marshall, the inspiration for the quantum reflection analysis was an electromagnetic energy field that surrounds every cellular being, discovered by Fritz-Alpert Popp, a German biophysicist professor at the University of Kaiserlautern. This “body of light” reportedly glows at different frequencies, allowing those with the right equipment to determine which areas of the body may need more vitality. Those with the healthiest bodies shine at the highest level of illumination, resulting in what Marshall calls “harmonic resonance” – a perfect balance of cellular health.
Marshall says quantum reflex analysis can assess whether a person is having any number of problems. Medically, he says it can identify nutritional problems, excess metal free radicals in the bloodstream, viral patterns, blood sugar disorders, and organ, muscle, or skeletal defects. Emotionally, he claims that he can measure brain wave function to determine stress and even some psychological conditions like anxiety or depression. Pets and non-speaking children can also be tested in an attempt to see if there are problems that cannot be adequately communicated.
Quantum reflection analysis is the first step in obtaining optimal cellular resonance. A variety of applications thereafter attempt to help people achieve their goals, including a broadcast from the EPFX/SCIO that is set to emit a unique frequency based on an individual’s particular prayer request. Marshall also sells his line of nutritional supplements optimized to bring just the right combination of essential antioxidants and other mind-blowers into the body to start righting parts of a metabolism that aren’t emitting the optimal “light.” Aside from nutritional supplementation, quantum reflex analysis has not been accepted by the wider medical community.