Racial demographics allow companies to target specific audiences. It is controversial due to the possibility of abuse, but can also be used to help minorities and disseminate life-saving information.
Racial demographic data provides a way for companies and groups to market their products or messages to particular racial or ethnic groups. In its simplest terms, racial demography refers to the division of statistical information about a population based on race. This information may be collected through sponsored surveys or through government census initiatives.
The use of demographic statistics, including racial demographics and age demographics by location, is widely used by companies and groups to target specific audiences. Once a target audience has been decided for a particular product, service or program, the use of corporate demographic analysis and targeted marketing techniques ensures that the specific demographic group is reached by the sponsor’s message. Population demographics that show a strong bias toward a specific racial predominance are often used to target racially sensitive political campaigns or programs.
Due to the nature of racial demographics and the possibility of abuse, this form of demographic targeting is controversial. In many cases, survey forms make it a voluntary option to offer information about racial background to alleviate fears that the information could be mishandled. Since race and ethnic prejudice are the underlying causes of many problems throughout history, it is understandable that individuals may be wary of releasing information about their racial identity.
In some cases, racial demographic statistics have been misused to enable hate crimes or other criminal acts. This statistical information has also been used in questionable areas of law enforcement in terms such as racial profiling. When used for these purposes, racial demographics are used to stimulate prejudice against a certain race, usually a racial minority.
On the other side of the matter, racial demographics have also been used to help minorities. Many governments offer special programs to citizens of minorities. With racial demographic data collected during the census, these governments are able to channel funds directly to areas where assistance will do the most.
There are many instances where racial demographics are used to benefit a certain segment of the population. For example, if an illness or risky behavior is more likely to occur among members of a specific racial group, targeted marketing campaigns could be used to disseminate life-saving information in areas where members of that group are more likely to be found . By targeting information directly to the group of people most at risk, more lives can be saved without spending excess funds by saturating an entire population with warnings that don’t apply to most individuals.