Raspberry crepe is a popular ice cream flavor in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States. Fresh raspberries are preferred for the best flavor, but frozen or jam can also be used. It can be bought in shops or made at home with an ice cream maker. Some major ice cream manufacturers have popularized the raspberry ripple. Raspberry-shaped cake is also a popular dessert made with raspberry juice, oil, egg whites, and jam.
Raspberry crepe is a popular style of ice cream, particularly in Great Britain and further west in Canada and the United States. The flavor is simply macerated raspberries whipped through vanilla ice cream to add color, texture and flavor. Raspberry cruffle is also a type of white cake, made similar to raspberry.
The fresher the raspberries used for the raspberry ripple ice cream, the better the flavor and the healthier the treat. The raspberry harvest usually takes place in the middle of summer. To make them last longer, however, many people freeze the berries or make them into a jam to use in ice cream.
Raspberry corrugation can be easily bought in shops, in Great Britain and many other countries. It’s also quite easy to make at home using an ice cream maker or by whipping a few raspberry chunks through softened vanilla ice cream. For a finishing touch, some even pour fresh berries over the top for a flavorful garnish.
Perhaps the hardest part of making raspberry ripple at home is getting the ingredients in the right proportion. One recipe calls for first making a custard with just the yolks of four eggs, 3 oz. (about 90 g) of sugar, 2 teaspoons (about 10 mL) of vanilla and 2 ounces (about 60 g) of flour. Once blended, about 2.5 cups (about 592 mL) of milk is slowly added to the cream as it comes to a boil. The mixture then cooks for about three minutes before being removed from the heat.
The final preparation calls for about 1.5 cups (about 355 mL) of whipped cream, then folded in the custard. This is then added to an ice cream machine until nearly frozen and then whipped with macerated raspberries or raspberry jam. Those without an ice cream maker can simply pop their ice cream into the freezer, but have to constantly whip the bowl until it freezes.
In the UK some major ice cream manufacturers have further popularized the raspberry ripple. One is Wall’s Ice Cream, which has been making the recipe for about 80 years. Another is Millie’s Cookies, with locations across the UK.
A popular raspberry-shaped ice cream confection is the raspberry-shaped cake. This is a white cake made with raspberry or blueberry juice, oil and egg whites, which is mixed with raspberries and/or raspberry jam before being baked in the oven. This cake is typically finished with a sugar glaze and even more raspberries.