What’s ratatouille?

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Ratatouille is a classic French stewed vegetable dish from Provence. It includes fresh vegetables, herbs, and garlic, and can be served hot, cold, or at room temperature as a main course, side dish, or appetizer. The recipe involves cooking each vegetable slowly and separately before combining them in one pot.

Ratatouille is a classic stewed vegetable dish from the Provence region of France. In the first half of its name, rata is believed to be a slang word for “large stew” while the second half comes from the French verb touillir meaning “to stir.”

A popular and versatile dish, ratatouille can be eaten hot, cold, or at room temperature. In a meal, it can be served as an appetizer, main course, or side dish to pasta, rice, couscous, and noodles.

Ratatouille is relatively easy to make and includes a variety of fresh vegetables, including tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, peppers, onions, and garlic. Other ingredients such as bay leaves and herbes de Provence are added to further enhance the taste and aroma of this delicious French stew. When cooking ratatouille, it’s important not to compromise the savory flavor of this dish for a quick-prepared meal. It is highly recommended to cook each vegetable slowly and separately before combining them all in one pot towards the end of the cooking time.

How to Prepare Ratatouille


500 grams of tomatoes

500 grams of aubergines

1.1 pounds (500 g) of zucchini

500 grams of sweet peppers

Onions 4

Garlic cloves 4

Olio d’olivaHerbes de Provence

Bay leaves

Salt and pepper


Rinse and dice tomatoes, aubergines, courgettes and peppers. Finely slice the onions and mince the garlic. Heat the olive oil in a large pot. Start preparing the ratatouille by sautéing the eggplants. Once cooked, place them on a platter and reserve them on the side. Do the same with zucchini and peppers. Next, saute the finely sliced ​​onions until lightly colored. Add the diced tomatoes and cook for about five minutes.

To make the ratatouille, combine all the cooked eggplant, zucchini, peppers, onions and tomatoes in the same pot. Shake a healthy serving of herbes de Provence over your veggies. Also add a bay leaf or two. Mix with salt and pepper to taste. Cover the pot and let the vegetables cook for thirty minutes. At the end of the thirty minutes, stir the minced garlic into the ratatouille. Cook for another five minutes. Finally, remove the bay leaves from the ratatouille and adjust seasonings as needed.

Serve ratatouille immediately as a hot accompaniment to your couscous, rice, pasta or noodles. You can also let it cool before placing it in the refrigerator overnight. Then, serve it as a cold appetizer for your next meal.

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