What’s ribose?

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Ribose is a monosaccharide found in the human body that forms the backbone of RNA and is critical in establishing and maintaining metabolism. It can contribute to energy production and is used to treat diseases that affect energy. However, too much ribose can lower blood sugar, making it dangerous for those with diabetes or hypoglycemia. It can also interact poorly with certain drugs and should be avoided by pregnant women.

Ribose is one of many essential organic compounds found in the human body, and has a compound formula of C5H10O5. Specifically, it’s a monosaccharide, which is a fancy way of saying it’s simple sugar. However, this type of sugar will not come from eating certain types of foods; humans do it naturally.

It forms the backbone of ribonucleic acid (RNA). When phosphorylated, ribose becomes critical in establishing and maintaining metabolism. This is a set of reactions that every living organism has. Metabolism contributes to a number of critical life processes, including reproduction, growth, response to external stimuli, and the breakdown of organic matter into energy. This connection implies that ribose could be involved in energy production.

The fact that ribose is made up solely of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen also makes it a carbohydrate, which is another factor that suggests it may contribute to energy. Unsurprisingly, this makes it attractive to people with certain professions, such as professional athletes and bodybuilders. While the human body naturally creates it on its own, it is a rather slow process, which is why many pharmaceutical companies have developed bodybuilding supplements that contain ribose in powdered form.

Beyond exercise, doctors use this monosaccharide to treat patients with diseases that affect energy. This includes chronic fatigue syndrome, coronary artery disease, fibromiaglia, and more. Plus, it can help thwart the crippling symptoms associated with the inherited disorder myoadenylate deaminase deficiency, including stiffness, pain, and cramping after exercise. This treatment can be applied through dietary supplements or intravenously.

Of course, with every dietary supplement comes its share of potential side effects. While supplemental ribose can provide increased stamina, too much can lower blood sugar. This is especially dangerous in those who suffer from diabetes or hypoglycemia, and those who must undergo surgical procedures. In these cases, it is recommended to avoid taking such dietary supplements. The lack of research to the contrary also means that women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should play it safe and avoid supplemental ribose.

There are many other situations that you need to be aware of when taking supplements. For example, ribose is known to interact poorly with propranolol, salsalate, chlorinated magnesium trisalicylate, aspirin, and alcohol, because all of these drugs can already lower blood sugar as a side effect. When your blood sugar drops too low, you may experience clammy skin, extreme hunger, nausea, rapid heartbeat, tremors, or a jittery feeling. Stop taking ribose supplements and see a doctor if you experience these symptoms.

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