Rigid endoscopy involves inserting a rigid tube with a camera and instrument channel to view and perform procedures on internal organs. Flexible endoscopy is an alternative. The best option depends on the procedure and doctor’s experience. Endoscopy is less invasive than surgery and can be used for diagnostic and surgical purposes. Recovery time varies, and patients should discuss their options with their doctors.
Rigid endoscopy is a medical procedure in which a medical professional inserts a rigid telescoping tube into a patient to obtain a view of an organ or area of interest, using a camera in the tube to view the patient’s internal anatomy. The device, known as an endoscope, also has an instrument channel so your doctor can pass tools through the tube to perform procedures such as biopsies. This usually takes place in a doctor’s office or clinic, with adequate anesthesia to keep the patient comfortable during the procedure.
The alternative is flexible endoscopy, in which the doctor uses a flexible rather than a rigid tube. The best option depends on the procedure, the doctor’s experience, and facility preferences. In rigid endoscopy, patients may experience more pain and discomfort because the tube doesn’t flex with the body during the procedure. However, your doctor may be able to get a better view or perform tasks that aren’t possible with a flexible endoscope.
Endoscopy allows medical professionals to look directly inside the body. It can be useful for diagnostic purposes where doctors want a visual image or samples, as it is less invasive than surgery for exploratory and diagnostic purposes. It is also useful for surgical procedures such as what is known as keyhole surgery, where the surgeon makes a few small incisions to insert an endoscope and other tools to access a surgical site without making a large open incision. Some procedures where rigid endoscopy may be an option may include joint surgery, evaluation for urinary tract problems, and abdominal surgery.
For some procedures, the patient must be under general anesthesia for safety reasons. The doctor needs the patient to be unconscious and still to perform the surgery, and the anesthesia will also minimize the pain experience. In other endoscopy, the patient may stay awake for the procedure, although they will usually receive some pain relief and sedatives for comfort. Patients can discuss their options with their doctors to determine the best choice for a given procedure.
Recovery time after a rigid endoscopy can vary. Sometimes patients are able to return to normal activity levels immediately following the procedure, while other patients may need to rest and work on pain management. Medical professionals usually advise getting up and moving to reduce the risk of clots and other complications, even if patients aren’t able to move much right away after the endoscopy. Even light activity, such as walking around the room with the assistance of a nurse, can reduce surgical complications.