Risk management insurance is purchased by companies to limit damage to their business, covering infrastructure and economic risks. Companies identify assets, assess threats, and mitigate risks, with insurers issuing policies to offset remaining threats. Insurance companies analyze risk factors and aim to insure the largest number of businesses with the fewest payments. However, severe economic downturns can have negative repercussions, resulting in the collapse of insured companies and creating more economic damage.
Risk management insurance is a type of insurance policy purchased by companies and organizations in an effort to limit any damage to their businesses. These damages can be infrastructure-based or economic-based and are typically identified internally or externally by the enterprise.
Companies take steps to assess and mitigate certain risks associated with their continuing functions. Companies attempt to reduce these risks to near zero, however, any risks that are still present are insured by another company to enable them to offset these threats. This means that if any of these events identified by the company occur, the insurer will issue a financial recovery.
Organizations identify their assets and determine what is most critical to their continued operations. They then identify threats and assess the likelihood of these events occurring. After leveraging resources to mitigate the possibility of these threats, an exact percentage probability is established. The less likely an event is, the less expensive a risk management insurance policy will be.
An example of risk management insurance might include the location of the business itself. If a company is located in an area where earthquakes are prevalent, both the company and the insurance company will determine the likelihood that the building, company assets and continuing customer base will be damaged by an earthquake. It will make assumptions about different levels of damage and determine exact figures on the damage estimate. The insurance company will then issue a policy that the company will pay to ensure that your business is financially prepared for this possibility.
The companies that issue these policies generally conduct an independent analysis of the risk factors involved in an organization’s business. They exploit a wide range of separate assets, each with its own threats, natural or man-made. Sometimes these threats can come from competing companies, which are factored into the policy.
By working with a variety of companies in a range of regions, an insurance company is better able to follow up on payments in the event of damage to a company. The risk management insurance company aims to insure the largest number of businesses with the fewest payments. This means that the company will remain financially viable regardless of events that occur.
This system is important to the continued success of public and private enterprises, both for-profit and non-profit. By reducing losses for a business, the business is more likely to survive an unwanted event, keeping the overall economy healthy.
However, this system can also have negative repercussions in the event of a severe economic downturn. For example, if several companies insure financial assets such as securities, the economic damage to both the insurer and the companies themselves can be large. If these securities are similar in function and fall in value at the same time, the risk management insurance company will lose a large amount of money, may go bankrupt, and as a result fail to meet its responsibilities. This results in the collapse of the insured companies, creating even more economic damage.