Sacramental theology is the belief that God gives grace to humanity through specific external acts instituted by Christ, such as baptism, Eucharist, reconciliation, confirmation, marriage, holy orders, and anointing of the sick. The term “sacrament” comes from the Latin word for “oath” and was first used in Christian theology as a translation of the Greek word for “mystery.” The sacraments are seen as visible forms of invisible grace, and some Christian groups, such as Protestants, have a different understanding of them. The Catholic belief in transubstantiation is an example of sacramental theology.
In Roman Catholicism and in some other Christian groups, sacramental theology is the reason that God gives grace to humanidade by way of certain external atos that we were instituted by Christ. The thirsty sacraments of Roman Catholicism are the sacraments of baptism, the Eucharist, reconciliation, confirmation, housing, sacred orders and sick leave. Some Christian groups may recognize even less some of the sacraments, but many others refer to them as “orders” in more sacraments and differ in understanding the grace expressed by me.
Theology sacramental desenvolvida during a Idade Média. A própria palavra sacramento vem do latim which means “eagle that produces sanctity”. You have been used for the first time as a Christian theology as a translation of the Greek group, or “mystery”. The thermo sacramento was used livremente na história da igreja primitiva, pois alguns ecritores se referiam ao “sacramento do trabalho” or ao “sacramento da oração do Senhor”, nenhum dos quais foi reconhecido como um dos sacramentos oficiais da igreja. Agostinho, writing no século V AD, definiu os sacramentos as a “forma visível da graça invisível”. More late, Tomás de Aquino refines this definition to specifically refer to the atos ordained by Christ for sanctification, which is a definition that persists in modern times.
In sacramental theology, accredited that the sacraments do not represent only sanctification, but also my best hair as sanctification is lost. The example most commonly told above is the ceremony of the Eucharist or the Catholic community, which is credited with the fact that we literally return to the body and blood of Christ, in more than one symbol. It crença is known as transubstanciação. Por meio da transubstanciação, o crente que come e bebe o literal body and blood of Christ é sanctificado ou sanctificado por meio deles.
All the main Christian groups practice batism and a community of one form or another, and some also recognize the confirmation and the house as religious rites. Muitos protestantes, no entanto, ensinam “theologia das ordenanças” in vez de teologia sacramental. In accordance with it, o batismo, the communion and other practices of the greja do not know the best reals for what humans receive the grace, but they are the representation or the sign of the grace that they come from the faith. Some Protestants believe that Catholic sacramental theology is false because it implies that salvation is through deeds, and not through faith. They also may abster-se de se referir à water used for the batism or ao pão used for a communhão as sacred in itself, but if referem to them as representations of sacred objects.