Seaworthiness refers to a ship’s fitness for the conditions it may encounter, including physical condition, crew size, cargo load, and voyage type. Insurance companies may assess seaworthiness before providing coverage, and crew members must be fit for their jobs.
The term “seaman” is used to describe a boat or boat that is considered fit for the conditions it may encounter while underway. At the very least, a ship is seaworthy if it doesn’t sink, but seaworthiness can become very complex and can depend on a number of factors. For passengers, it’s understandable to want to know whether or not a vessel is seaworthy, but shippers, insurance companies, and boat owners also need to know how ready it is for a voyage.
Seaworthiness encompasses the obvious physical condition of a ship and its appurtenances, along with the number of crew on board and the load of the cargo. A ship can be in excellent physical condition with working equipment and still be unseaworthy because it is overloaded or the crew is not large enough or experienced enough. The physical layout is also an issue, with some settings being more navigable than others.
Another consideration is the type of voyage the ship is on. Obviously, navigating a river is very different from traversing the open ocean, and therefore the conditions the boat may encounter must be considered. A sailboat suitable for conditions in the Caribbean may not be prepared for the icy arctic waters, and likewise, a riverboat may not be safe for use on the Great Lakes.
One of the standards often used to determine whether a ship is seaworthy is to consider whether or not the owner of the ship would allow it to sail as is. If the owner expresses doubts or a desire to remedy certain problems on board, the boat is not seaworthy. Insurance companies, not wanting to rely on the owner alone, may send an assessor to establish seaworthiness before providing insurance to the owner of the boat or the company that has a contract for the use of the boat.
In addition to ships, the term is also sometimes applied to crew members. People who are not fully fit for their jobs are not seaworthy, and the same is true of injured, ill, or severely disabled sailors who are not capable of doing their jobs. For this reason, many sailors are required to receive medical examinations and certificates indicating that they can safely do their job. The same requirement is made for pilots, with the aim of guaranteeing the safety of the vessels, cargo and passengers.