What’s Schizoaffective Disorder?

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Schizoaffective disorder is a mental illness characterized by symptoms of schizophrenia and mood swings. Treatment options include psychotherapy and medication. Symptoms usually appear in late teens or early 20s and can include hallucinations, delusions, depression, and manic episodes. A proper diagnosis is important, and treatment can include medication and therapy.

Schizoaffective disorder is a psychological illness in which an individual experiences episodes of schizophrenia and intense mood swings. A person with the disorder might experience paranoia, hallucinations and delusions in combination with extreme mood swings and often severe depression. There are several treatment options available to people with schizoaffective disorder, including psychotherapy and prescription antipsychotic and antidepressant medications.

Most people with schizoaffective disorder begin exhibiting symptoms in their late teens and early 20s, although in some cases the onset may be earlier or later. Affected individuals may experience symptoms of schizophrenia, including hallucinations, delusions, and unwarranted feelings of paranoia. They often have difficulty concentrating on tasks, experience mental confusion and irrational thinking, and speak incoherently.

Signs of schizophrenia are usually accompanied by affective mood disorder symptoms, such as long periods of depression or manic episodes. Individuals with depression may have trouble eating and sleeping, feel excessively tired and sad much of the time, and have thoughts of suicide. Many people go to great lengths to isolate themselves from friends, family, and coworkers. During manic spells, people may experience unusually high levels of energy and excitement. Affected individuals are often highly irritable and exhibit erratic behavior when in a manic state.

A person who believes they may have schizoaffective disorder should see a doctor or psychologist immediately so that a proper diagnosis can be made and a treatment plan can be devised. The disorder is known to have genetic links, so a doctor or mental health professional usually conducts an extensive interview with a patient to learn about their family’s medical history. In addition, the doctor will ask the patient to describe his symptoms and explain any medical or social complications that have resulted. After conducting an interview and performing a physical exam, your doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

When schizoaffective disorder is found to be the cause of the symptoms, the patient is usually referred to a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist to obtain the appropriate treatment. Many people are prescribed mood stabilizers, antipsychotic medications, and antidepressants to ease their symptoms and allow them to go about their daily lives. In many cases, psychotherapy and behavior modification techniques are successful in teaching patients about their disorders and providing strategies to better manage psychotic episodes and mood swings. With proper medical care and regular therapy sessions, many individuals with schizoaffective disorder are able to live normal, enjoyable lives.

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