Scripophily is the study and collection of old stocks and bonds, with many collectors interested in the aesthetic and historical value of documents from the 19th and early 20th centuries. While many stocks and bonds are now issued electronically, there are still opportunities for collectors to study and collect historical documents. International and regional scripophile societies provide resources and opportunities for collectors to connect with others who share their interests.
Scripophily is a subfield of numismatics that focuses on the study and collection of old stocks and bonds. This field emerged around the 1970s and is practiced all over the world. Unfortunately for scripophiles, a growing number of stocks and bonds are issued only electronically, depriving collectors of physical documents they can gather for study. However, there are ample samples of historical documents that provide various opportunities for collection and study.
Historically, when a company issued stocks and bonds, it provided certificates held by shareholders to document their financial interest in the company. Many of these documents were aesthetically interesting as well as representing the value of a share, as it was common to print them in multiple colors, with engraved designs and other ornate features. This reflected a general trend in aesthetics that was common especially in the 19th century, where documentation could be both beautiful and practical.
Many people interested in scrpophily are particularly interested in documents dating from the 19th and early 20th centuries because they have aesthetic and historical values, and because they are out of date and therefore of no financial value. Scrypophiles may be interested in certificates from companies in a particular industry, collecting entire sets of certificates used during a company’s life, or specific periods in history like the Depression.
Studying stocks and bonds issued in the past can provide people with interesting information about economic, social, and even aesthetic trends. For example, some scripophiles are very interested in the iconography they see in old documents, and may be interested in studying how the iconography used in financial documents has evolved over time. Others may be more interested in watching the ebb and flow of company fortunes or tracking changes in a company over time as it merges with and is acquired by other companies.
There are several international scripophile societies that are open to members of the public and hold regular sales and auctions. People can also join regional societies. Joining a society can provide people with valuable resources, including contacts in the world of handwriting, access to closed auctions and other events, and opportunities to look through the archives maintained by various writing societies. Some people also enjoy the opportunity to meet and exchange information and ideas with people who have similar interests and passions, and may find other areas of common interest with scripophiles from around the world.
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