Secretory diarrhea is characterized by high levels of electrolytes and fluids in the stool, and can be dangerous if electrolyte levels are not stabilized. Cholera is a major cause, and treatment includes supportive care and medications to slow or stop the diarrhea. In areas where secretory diarrhea is common, people may be advised to take measures to avoid infection and given salt tablets to replace lost electrolytes.
Secretory diarrhea is a form of loose stools characterized by high levels of electrolytes and fluid in the diarrhea, even when the patient is fasting or forgoing water. It can be very dangerous for patients, as electrolyte balances in the body will be disturbed if the patient loses electrolytes and fluids faster than they can be replaced. For this reason, people with diarrhea usually receive supportive care such as electrolyte supplements and plenty of fluids to make up for what the body is losing.
In secretory diarrhea, electrolytes and fluids are secreted into the intestinal lumen and expressed from the body. This condition can also be characterized by a failure to absorb water and electrolytes from food. When the body doesn’t absorb these materials, they pass freely through the intestines. The patient may develop salt imbalances in the body and become even sicker.
Cholera is a major cause of secretory diarrhea. The debilitating diarrhea associated with cholera can be fatal if the patient is not provided with adequate supportive care to stabilize electrolyte levels while being treated for the infectious bacteria that cause the disease. Some drugs have also been linked to secretory diarrhea, as have laxatives, toxins and some types of cancers.
Mild diarrhea can be treated at home. The patient usually benefits from rest and regular hydration with broths, teas, juices, and other liquids. This can keep the patient’s body in balance until the diarrhea resolves. If diarrhea persists, it may not be possible to support a patient at home. Intravenous fluids and other treatments may be needed, along with medications to slow or stop the diarrhea before the patient develops further complications. In a hospital setting, a doctor can evaluate the patient, take a sample to look for the causative organisms, and prescribe immediate treatments to stabilize the patient.
In regions where secretory diarrhea is common, usually due to chronic cholera, people may be advised to take measures to avoid infection, such as boiling water before drinking, and may also be given salt tablets. These tablets are added to fluids given to people with diarrhea to replace lost electrolytes and can be a valuable first line of defense against diarrhea-related mortality in areas where people may not have immediate access to medical care. These tablets are generally low-cost and can be made freely available by government agencies or non-governmental organizations working in the region.