What’s Security Management?

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Security management involves identifying and mitigating risks to physical and material assets, especially in conjunction with information technology. Effective security management prevents theft, restricts access to sensitive data, and can prevent loss of life. It requires constant updates and maintenance to stay efficient.

Security management refers to a broad area in the management of physical and material assets. This management process involves conducting research to discover the types of inherent and potential risks in an organization with the goal of developing policies to effectively eradicate or mitigate those risks. Security management is mainly used in conjunction with information technology and its application to prevent the breach of computer security which may result in the leakage of sensitive information or the breach of computer controlled security systems. Poor security management can lead to loss of life. An example of how this can occur is if a breach in a computer controlled alarm allows intruders to enter the premises and harm the occupants.

When configuring a security management system, one area of ​​focus and consideration includes installing measures to prevent the physical theft of an individual’s or organization’s assets. For example, effective security management in a large retail store will enable customer tracking with the aim of preventing incidents such as shoplifting, muggings and even child abduction. A well-managed network of cameras and computers will be integrated in such a way as to monitor different corners of the store, including parking lots and other hidden corners.

The same concept applies to organizations such as museums where highly valuable items are kept. Security management involves the integration of technologies such as sensors, cameras and laser beams in combination with a highly functional computer backbone to prevent theft. Another aspect of security management is its use in restricting access to sensitive data. In large organizations, access to some information in the computer network may be limited to only a few members. Such restrictions can be enforced by assigning access codes, which will allow only those with certain authority to access the information.

This may also apply to limited portions of a building within an organization. Through security management, those portions will only be accessible to those who have been granted access. Access can be in the form of fingerprints, retinal scans, voice activated codes, numeric codes, or a combination of numeric and alphabetic codes. After the security system is set up, constant updates and maintenance will ensure that the system stays up to date and more efficient at managing security. Examples of this include upgrading software and even older hardware to newer and more modern versions.

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