Shrimp ceviche is a cooked dish made with marinated shrimp and vegetables in a sour sauce containing lime juice. It is a safer and more accessible alternative to raw fish ceviche and can be flavored with ketchup, garlic, cilantro, and jalapeno. Fruit can also be added for a sweet twist. Ceviche can be made with a variety of seafood, but shrimp is a popular choice.
Shrimp ceviche is a cold dish made with vegetables and shrimp that have been marinated in a sauce containing lime juice. The shrimp is cooked before marinating it with the vegetables in a sour sauce. Usually, shrimp ceviche contains no seafood other than cooked shrimp. Ceviches of many types are common appetizer dishes in Central and South America.
In general, ceviche can be made with a variety of seafood. A shrimp ceviche is often made with shrimp alone. Because it lacks raw fish, which can be off-putting for some eaters, shrimp ceviche can be a good way for those unfamiliar with ceviche to try the dish. This dish is generally considered safer than raw fish ceviche, as it contains cooked shrimp and is somewhat similar to a shrimp cocktail.
Sometimes, ceviche is made with vinegar instead of lime juice. The vegetables used in shrimp ceviche vary, but generally include cucumber, tomato, and onion. Vegetables are usually cut into small, bite-sized pieces for easy chewing and an individual crunch.
Ketchup is often used in the sauce that flavor shrimp ceviche. Other flavors often used in a ceviche include garlic, cilantro and jalapeno. Depending on how long you marinate the ceviche, the process can also change the texture of the vegetables. Fruit sometimes appears in ceviche to add a sweet and surprising twist. Popular fruits used in ceviche include mango, passion fruit and grapefruit.
Ceviche is often made with raw fish. Soaking raw fish in an acidic mixture makes the texture of the fish firmer. While the acid kills some bacteria, it doesn’t work as well as cooking, so only fresh, squeaky clean fish should be used to make ceviche.
In restaurants, most raw fish ceviche is made with sashimi-type fish, which must be eaten raw. The most common type of fish in traditional ceviche is flounder. Because the shrimp in the shrimp ceviche are cooked, they don’t have to be that fresh. Shrimp ceviche is often made with pre-cooked shrimp intended for shrimp cocktails.