Socialist Action is a Marxist political party in the US that aims to overthrow the capitalist system. It supports democracy controlled by the working class and opposes discrimination based on race, gender, or sexual orientation. The party conducts protests, lectures, and publishes a newspaper. Membership is open to anyone who agrees with its political philosophy.
Socialist Action is a political party that seeks to implement Leon Trotsky’s version of Marxism in the United States. The party’s beliefs hold that capitalism is bad for society by creating an upper class and an lower class. These differences create disparities and struggles between classes, according to the party. Socialist Action, which has its national office in San Francisco, claims to address human rights, including the rights of students, women, workers and racial minorities.
In 1983, Socialist Action was founded by a group of activists long associated with American Trotskyist philosophy. Trotsky was a resident of the Soviet Union known for organizing an underground workers union and for being a revolutionary. Socialist Action has roots in the Socialist Workers’ Party, Workers’ Party, and Communist League of America, according to the party. According to statements by Socialist Action, the group supports the use of a democracy controlled by the working class and does not advocate governance as seen in China or the former Soviet Union.
The party generally claims to represent working-class people. Try to get members of this class to form a Labor Party rather than be part of the Democratic Party. Part of his educational process is to convince workers that capitalists do not have the interests of the working class at heart.
Specifically, the Labor Party calls for the dismantling of government institutions, because it believes that these institutions represent the interests of the ruling class. The party argues that the only way to achieve this is through a revolution; the current system cannot be changed effectively. In short, Socialist Action wants to overthrow the capitalist system of the United States.
Some of the party’s activities include protests designed to make what it calls oppressed groups feel like they have a voice. The party also believes in conducting lectures to help educate the public about its views. His teachings are approached from a Marxist revolutionary perspective.
Racism and gender discrimination are two additional concerns for Socialist Action. In any form, racism is shunned and seen as something that can be overcome with determination, according to the party’s position statements.
The party also opposes discrimination based on sexual orientation.
All members of Azione Socialista are considered equal within the party. Membership is open and available to anyone who generally agrees with its political philosophy. Party members are expected to support majority rule and loyalty is emphasized.
Socialist Action also runs a newspaper of the same name. The newspaper is aimed at workers and activists. Since 1983 the newspaper has been published monthly.