Socket 1156/LGA 1156 is a CPU socket designed by Intel for its Lynnfield and Clarkdale processors. It supports i3, i5, i7, Celeron, Pentium, and Xeon processors with DDR3 SDRAM architecture. It has an LGA variant called flip-chip LGA (FCLGA) for heat dissipation.
Socket 1156, better known as LGA 1156, is a central processing unit (CPU) socket that semiconductor company Intel Corporation designed for its codenamed Lynnfield and Clarkdale processors. Released in 2009, it is best known as a socket for the i3, i5, and i7 processors, which respectively represented the company’s entry-level, mid-range, and high-end entries of its flagship Core brand of consumer-oriented CPUs. In addition to LGA 1156, Socket 1156 is also known as Socket H.
Like other CPU sockets, Socket 1156 is designed to connect the processor with the motherboard for electrical conductivity as well as physical safety and security. The LGA prefix stands for “land grid array”, which is a socket form factor involving pins, which house the CPU, arranged in an ordered, four-row, grid-like layout on a square-shaped substrate. with the number 1156 indicating the pin number. Socket 1156 has an LGA variant called flip-chip LGA (FCLGA). This means that the CPU is flipped over to expose the back, which is the hottest part of it. Therefore, a user can place a heat sink there to dissipate the heat and consequently reduce the chance of CPU malfunction.
The physical dimensions of Socket 1156 are approximately 1.57 square inches (40 square millimeters), made to accommodate 1.48 square inches (37.5 square mm) compatible chips. A 0.94 x 0.63 inch (24 x 16 mm) section is cut in the center. The pitch size of the pins is 0.036 inch (0.9144 mm).
Socket 1156 supports the Core i3 dual-core i3-5xx series, the Core i5 dual-core i5-6xx and quad-core i5-7xx series, and the Core i7 quad-core i7-8xx series. The LGA 3 compatible Core i1155 has a processing speed range of 2.93 to 3.2 gigahertz (GHz). The i5-6xx and -7xx series ranges are 3.2 to 3.6 GHz and 2.66 to 2.8 GHz, respectively; while that of the i7 ranges from 2.8 to 2.93 GHz. As for the memory specifications, all Socket 1156 compatible Intel Core chips support two channels of third generation DDR3 SDRAM (Synchron Dynamic Random Access Memory) architecture with a maximum speed of 1.333 MHz.
Intel Core isn’t the only CPU brand supported by Socket 1156. There’s also the low-end Celeron dual-core G1xxx series and the mid-range Pentium G6xxx series, as well as the quad-core L34xx series and X34xx of the server and workstation oriented Xeon. Processing speeds are 2.26 GHz, 2.8 GHz, 1.86 GHz, and 2.4 to 2.93 GHz, respectively. While Socket 1156-compatible Xeon uses the same standard 3 MHz maximum DDR1,333 SDRAM as the Core chips, the memory speed of Celeron and Pentium’s peak is lower, at 1.066 MHz.