Somniphobia, or the fear of sleep, is an anxiety disorder that is more common among children but can follow some into adulthood. Symptoms include panic, shortness of breath, and a rapid heartbeat. Treatment options include counseling, hypnotherapy, and prescription drugs. Those who have experienced traumatic childhoods or have other anxiety disorders may be at a higher risk of developing sleep phobia.
Somniphobia is a medical term used to describe the fear of sleep. This condition is a type of anxiety disorder and is more common among children. These children usually outgrow their fear of sleep as they get older, although somniphobia can follow some into adulthood. Symptoms of this disorder often include feelings of panic, shortness of breath, and a rapid heartbeat. Treatment for sleep phobia varies and may involve counseling, hypnotherapy, or the use of prescription drugs.
Fear of sleep, or more accurately, fear of losing control during sleep, can develop for a variety of reasons. Those who have experienced traumatic or abusive childhoods may be particularly prone to developing this disorder. Adults can experience sleep phobia due to stressful situations at home or at work. Those with other anxiety disorders may be at a higher risk of developing sleep phobia.
Many of the symptoms associated with sleep phobia are the same as with other anxiety disorders. These symptoms may include feelings of impending doom or panic, a rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath. Dry mouth and excessive sweating can also occur during an attack. There is usually an underlying fear of going crazy or not being able to show self-control in addition to a fear of being harmed or losing self-control during the sleep process.
There are several treatment options available for those diagnosed with sleep phobia. Prescription drugs can be used alone or in combination with other treatment options. Sleep medications can help the patient fall asleep and stay asleep despite the fear. Additional medications may be used to help manage feelings of extreme anxiety.
Psychotherapy is a common method of treatment for sleep phobia and often involves counseling and the use of prescription drugs. The counseling portion of the treatment is designed to help the patient discover the underlying reasons for the fear of sleep and learn to cope with any emotions that develop as a result of that realization. Medications can sometimes be stopped after significant progress has been made, although this decision should only be made with your doctor’s consent.
Some patients with this disorder may benefit from the use of hypnotherapy. This process involves a state of deep relaxation, a condition which may allow the patient to respond to suggestions made during hypnosis. Some healthcare professionals believe that hypnotherapy can help the patient gain more control over their emotional well-being and subconscious responses.