What’s Soroche?

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Soroche is altitude sickness that can occur when rapidly moving from low to high altitude. Symptoms include headaches, nausea, weakness, and shortness of breath. It can be avoided by gradually increasing altitude and avoiding alcohol and drugs. Severe cases require emergency medical attention.

Soroche is a Bolivian term that refers to acute altitude sickness that could occur when a person passes rapidly from sea level or near sea level to a region of high altitude. Physical symptoms may appear as the body receives less oxygen until it adjusts to the change in elevation. Not all people suffer from soroche and the symptoms can be mild or severe. Fewer signs may appear if the altitude is increased gradually while hiking, mountain climbing or driving on mountain ranges.

At sea level, the air contains 21% oxygen. It tapers off at high altitudes, and it takes time for the human body to adjust to rapid pressure changes. The amount of time it takes to adjust can depend on the season, time of day, distance a person travels, and temperature; symptoms may worsen in cold weather. Soroche discomfort usually goes away within a few days as the body adjusts to the higher altitude.

Some people liken the signs of soroche to a hangover; suffer from headaches, nausea and feelings of weakness or dizziness. They may become short of breath and fatigued, but have trouble sleeping. The headache tends to be worse in the morning and evening and may appear as a throbbing sensation in the temples. Some people may feel pressure in the chest area.

Soroche is common in high-altitude cities, including Lhasa, Tibet; Cuzco, Peru; and, La Paz, Bolivia. When a traveler flies into one of these cities, he may suffer from altitude sickness. Experts advise against the use of alcohol or drugs that slow breathing when traveling to these regions. Some medical conditions may emerge that weren’t previously known, such as heart disease, kidney disease, or high blood pressure, when there is an abrupt change in altitude.

Some of the effects can be avoided by visiting a lower altitude location before traveling to a higher altitude. If symptoms appear, it is usually recommended to rest and avoid strenuous physical activity until the body has adjusted. Doctors commonly recommend increasing fluid intake and taking medications to relieve headaches and stomach pain. There are also medications available to help the body adjust to changes in altitude.

Two serious conditions could develop from altitude sickness requiring emergency medical attention. High altitude pulmonary edema is characterized by a rapid pulse and shortness of breath. The patient’s lips might turn gray or blue, and the tongue commonly turns white with patterns of red sores. This condition is treated with oxygen and bed rest.
Cerebral edema from high altitudes could cause a person to become disoriented and dizzy to the point that walking becomes difficult. In severe cases of soroche, he may go into a coma or hallucinate. The patient may feel a throbbing sensation in the ear or temple, accompanied by a pressure headache. This side effect of soroche is rare but requires quick medical attention.

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