Sports sociology studies social behavior in relation to sports, examining groups such as athletic teams, enthusiasts, and corporations. It views sports as microcosms of society, analyzing power dynamics and relationships between players, coaches, and fans. It also addresses social issues such as gender equality, race, and physical disability.
The sociology of sport is an academic field that seeks to examine the many interpersonal and group phenomena that arise in relation to sport. Sports provide many separate but mutually dependent groups that sociologists can examine with the aim of learning about human social behavior. Athletic teams, sports enthusiasts, and for-profit athletic corporations all engage in overlapping social behaviors that researchers find very interesting. In practice, people in this field can look for better ways to motivate teams, strengthen the bond between teams and fans, and prevent discrimination in amateur and professional athletics. It is closely related to other fields such as sports medicine, psychology and social justice.
One goal of sports sociology is to view the various groups in athletics as societies in and of themselves or as microcosms of society as a whole. A sociologist who observes the social phenomena that occur within a team, for example, may be interested in the relationships between players of different skill levels, coaches and players, and players of different races. Power dynamics between different players or between coaches and players can be particularly interesting when examined as social phenomena arising from the social structure of the team.
Another important issue in this field is the relationship between sport and the rest of society. Sports fans, for example, are often obsessed with their favorite teams. This branch of sociology is also interested in the relationship between sport, the media and the rest of society. In many cases, the news media is the primary mode of communication between groups. Despite this “filter,” professional sporting teams, players, and events have a profound effect on popular culture and other social trends.
The sociology of sport is also interested in addressing some of the social problems that occur within the society and culture of athletics. Gender equality, for example, is a major issue in both amateur and professional athletic circles. Girls tend to have fewer and more limited athletic opportunities than boys during their time in school, and women’s sports teams are often poorly funded compared to men’s teams. The same problems are also seen in professional athletics, as female athletes are generally paid less and have fewer opportunities than male athletes. Researchers are also interested in issues of race, ethnicity, and physical disability.