Stage 3 lung cancer is a large tumor that has invaded surrounding tissue in the chest, with two forms reflecting the level of diffusion. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, and patients are usually candidates for clinical trials. Prognosis is generally poor, but quality of life can be improved with management.
Stage 3 lung cancer is a large tumor that has begun to invade surrounding tissue in the chest. It is divided into two forms, 3a and 3b, which reflect the level of diffusion. Patients should be aware that they may encounter this term written as stage three lung cancer or stage III lung cancer. Generally the prognosis for patients with cancer this advanced is poor, although with management, patients may experience a good quality of life for some time before succumbing to the cancer.
Cancer staging involves determining the size of a tumor, the level of lymphatic involvement, and the amount of metastases. In the case of lung cancer, tumors are given a score between one and four when the cancer is diagnosed. This score is used to determine the course of treatment, with the goal of providing care appropriate to the patient’s needs. About one-third of lung cancer patients have stage 3 lung cancer at the time of diagnosis.
In stage 3a lung cancer, the cancer has started spreading to the lymph nodes in the middle of the chest along with the bronchial passages. Stage 3b lung cancer has jumped to the other side of the chest, involving multiple airways along with lymph nodes in the upper chest. The approach to treatment will vary depending on the specifics and level of general health of the patient. Aggressive treatment would be recommended for a 25-year-old patient with stage 3a lung cancer, while an 80-year-old patient with stage 3b lung cancer could only receive palliative care.
Treatment options for stage 3 lung cancer include surgery to remove as much of the cancer as possible, if a surgeon thinks it is resectable, followed by chemotherapy to suppress further cancer growth. Some patients may be offered chemotherapy and radiation alone to treat the cancer. If a patient cannot tolerate chemotherapy, radiation can be used to control the cancer as much as possible while the patient is provided with pain management and supportive care.
When stage 3 lung cancer is diagnosed, patients should find out which subtype is involved and discuss the prognosis with their doctors. A second opinion can be invaluable. An important thing to be aware of is that patients with stage 3 lung cancer are usually considered candidates for clinical trials, as their cancer is more advanced. This can provide people with access to treatments not yet available to the general public. These treatments may improve quality of life or prolong life, and may also provide valuable insights for researchers working on lung cancer care. Furthermore, the expenses associated with the treatment are paid by the pharmaceutical companies, reducing the costs for cancer treatment.