Suppurative otitis media is an ear infection that causes discharge, pain, and swelling. It is often caused by a cold or respiratory infection and is treated with antibiotics. Severe cases may require surgery to prevent complications such as hearing loss.
Suppurative otitis media is a form of inflammation of the middle ear associated with the presence of infection. Characterized by the presence of a discharge from the affected ear, suppurative otitis media usually occurs as a complication of an existing or recent disease. Also known as otitis media, acute middle ear infections are commonly diagnosed in children, but they can affect anyone of any age. Treatment usually involves antibiotics to clear the infection. Recurring infection may require myringotomy or temporary tube placement in the affected ear to prevent additional fluid buildup.
Originating from the presence of a pathogen, suppurative otitis media generally begins in the Eustachian tube with inflammation and swelling. As the viral or bacterial irritation worsens, the tube narrows, creating a blockage that makes it easier for fluid to collect in the middle ear. Fluid stagnation in the inner ear provides the perfect environment for the infection to thrive.
A diagnosis of suppurative otitis media is usually based on the presentation of symptoms and a visual examination of the inner ear. The infection usually causes the inner ear, especially the eardrum, to become inflamed and swollen. If needed, additional diagnostic tests may be done to confirm a diagnosis of suppurative otitis media. Tympanometry and tympanocentesis may be conducted to further evaluate the condition of the eardrum and obtain a fluid sample for identification and analysis. Determining the pathogen responsible is often invaluable in determining the proper course of antibiotic treatment.
Since most cases of suppurative otitis media are triggered by the common cold or an upper respiratory infection, ear pain is often the initial and telltale sign of otitis media. Once the infection lodges in the Eustachian tube, fluids build up and become trapped in the air, causing pressure to build up within the inner ear which can temporarily impair hearing. The appearance of a pus-like discharge from the ear is the hallmark of suppurative otitis media. Other signs of infection may include persistent headache, sore throat, and feeling unwell. Infants and young children will often seem unusually fussy, won’t sleep well, or will constantly favor the affected ear.
Individuals with infection-based otitis media are usually placed on an antibiotic, such as penicillin. Finishing antibiotic treatment as directed and in its entirety is essential to reduce the risk of recurring infections. Additional home care measures may also be used, including using an over-the-counter (OTC) pain reliever medication and applying warm compresses to relieve discomfort.
Depending on the severity of the infection, the increased pressure may cause the eardrum to rupture or tear. In most cases, a perforated eardrum will heal on its own without treatment. When a perforation doesn’t heal on its own, medical treatment is needed to seal the break. If a perforated eardrum remains open, the risk of chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) and other complications, including hearing loss, increases significantly.
Those who show recurring infections or fluid buildup may have an outpatient procedure known as a myringotomy. During the procedure, a small tube, called a tympanostomy tube, is placed in the eardrum to prevent further fluid buildup. After six to eight months, the tube comes out and the eardrum heals on its own.