Synovitis is painful inflammation of the synovial membranes lining joints, often caused by rheumatoid or juvenile arthritis. Treatment involves anti-inflammatory drugs and synovial fluid analysis. Toxic synovitis is a temporary, discriminatory form of synovial inflammation that affects prepubertal boys and can be detected with imaging and blood tests. Treatment involves NSAIDs and limiting activities.
Painful inflammation of the delicate synovial membranes that line the joints is known as synovitis. Associated with several acute and chronic conditions, synovitis occurs most frequently in the presence of rheumatoid and juvenile arthritis. Treatment for this type of joint inflammation generally depends on the presentation and severity of symptoms and usually involves the administration of anti-inflammatory drugs. The presence of synovial inflammation in young children can contribute to the development of a secondary episodic arthritic condition known as toxic synovitis.
The development of synovitis generally coincides with the presence of an existing inflammatory condition that adversely affects the joints, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Lining the joints, the delicate synovial membrane secretes fluid to promote joint lubrication, function and enzyme production. When the synovial membranes become inflamed, the life cycle of the cells that make up the synovial fluid changes. The rapid cell division and resulting enzyme release acts as a catalyst to promote chronic inflammation and joint erosion.
Synovial inflammation often presents with patterned symptoms that include a swollen, spongy appearance of the affected joint. The increased blood circulation, which is a common immune response to inflammation, brought on by joint degeneration, serves to cause heat within the affected joint. If there is swelling and inflammation, an analysis of the synovial fluid collection is used to help diagnose this painful condition.
The most common test performed to confirm synovitis is known as a synovial fluid analysis. Administering this test takes less than an hour and is performed with the aid of a local anesthetic. After an initial examination of the affected joint, a doctor may use a small needle to take a sample of synovial fluid to send for laboratory analysis. Once the diagnosis is made, treatment options often involve giving anti-inflammatory drugs, such as a corticosteroid, to reduce joint irritation and ease discomfort.
Children and young adults with juvenile arthritis are likely to develop toxic synovitis, a secondary arthritic condition. Typically affecting prepubertal boys, toxic synovitis affects the hip joint causing discomfort, fever, and impairing the ability to walk normally. Temporary in its presentation and generally lasting less than two weeks, this discriminatory form of synovial inflammation can be detected with the aid of various diagnostic tests.
Imaging tests, including ultrasounds and X-rays, and administration of blood tests, including a complete blood count (CBC), are often used to confirm a diagnosis of toxic synovitis. Due to the transient nature of this condition, extensive treatment is usually not necessary. The individual is often given a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to relieve inflammation and discomfort. Depending on the severity of an individual’s symptoms, their activities may be limited to alleviate the discomfort. There is no risk of permanent damage or disability associated with this presentation of joint inflammation.