Virtualization can refer to computer or operating system virtualization, both of which use software to emulate a hardware computer system. Virtualization technology has been around since the 1960s but has only recently taken off due to increased computing power. Virtual computers can be servers or desktop workstations and operate as independent machines. Operating system virtualization connects virtual servers or desktops to a single version of an operating system, allowing users to access what they need without compromising security.
Usually, system virtualization refers to one of two things; computer system virtualization or operating system virtualization. Computer virtualization is all about using software to create a virtual computer system. Operating system virtualization is creating virtual instances of an operating environment. These instances are often run on other systems or exported to a virtual computer system. In both cases, the technology is centered around creating software that emulates a hardware computer system.
Virtualization technology has been around since the 1960s. Early on, computers used software to emulate machine operations and create low-level resources, such as memory. These early virtual programs were hampered by the relatively low power of computers of that era. It wasn’t until the late 1990s that virtual systems really started to take off. The increase in computing power, access to high-speed data transfer and the widespread use of multi-core processors have made it possible to realize full system virtualization.
A virtual computer can be anything from a server to a desktop workstation. In whatever form, the computer system works in a similar way: a single hardware computer runs a program that effectively divides the system into multiple parts. Each part has a fully functional operating system installed or virtually connected to it. The overall program oversees each of the individual parts, but outside of that, each section operates as an independent machine.
What happens depends on the purpose of the virtualized machine. A virtual server acts just like a regular server. Other computers and systems connect to it, often without even knowing that the system isn’t “real”. A virtual desktop system will typically connect to a remote workstation specially equipped to manage a virtual workspace. The desktop will be accessible from any pre-designated location, allowing a worker to access their computer from multiple points.
Operating system virtualization involves connecting virtual servers or desktops to a single version of an operating system and creating a virtual copy of their virtual program. In this case, a user will sit down at his desk and connect to a virtual server which in turn will connect to a virtual version of the operating system and push it to the user. The other common reason for OS virtualization is in hosting environments. When a computer acts as an Internet host, it contains the accounts of many users on a system. Each of these users requires full access to the systems provided by the operating system, but not to the resources of the other accounts: by creating a virtual operating system for the system as a whole, the accounts can access what they need without compromising security of the other accounts.